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Poor Experience; Not Kid Friendly
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Rating: 1/51

COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS -- We went to the College Station, TX location to take my photos of my 2 year old & 3 month old daughters. It was one of the worst experiences imaginable! Our 2 year old is very typical for her age; curious about her surroundings & can be difficult to pin her down for some great shots. The girls taking the photos had no idea how to get her attention & when she did cooperate, they did not have the camera ready! Things were a little better with the baby, but she can't move much!

The backgrounds and props they chose were pretty awful with their outfits. They even tried to make the 2 year old sit still on a 4 foot high backless stool. Needless to say, that did not happen! I was also disappointed with the picture selection process. They kept trying to push extra products on me that I kept saying I did not want. The coupon code we had from the Internet would not work.

Lastly, the pictures did not come out well. There were some major defects that I could not see on the computer screen when choosing the poses that showed up in print (a huge snot bubble was one of them). The lighting in the photos was also poor. Honestly, I had better success with Walmart photos, but the studio here closed recently. Guess we will be driving to Houston or pay a lot more at a better local studio next time... :(

Discriminatory Attitude by manager to a senior citizen
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WICHITA, KANSAS -- I was looking at an ad for a job as photography assistance position at a studio. I called to ask about it and was connected to the manager of this store. I asked about the position and told her that I had gotten this ad from a place that helps seniors get a job. When I mentioned this the manager told me why would we want anyone like you working with us. She said she hadn't heard of such a thing and the attitude of her speech made me feel like elders and seniors were second class citizens and had no right to any respect or consideration.

She went on talking like that for several minutes before she told me the position had been filled before Easter. I wouldn't bring a pet to this establishment, let alone a child or grandchild. I do not accept this kind of attitude and feel like this particular action borders on senior citizen abuse. IT, should not be allowed period from any company or place of business, or at any time from anyone.

Does Separate Households Not Count
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HOUSTON, TEXAS -- I recently visited Portrait Innovations in Houston, Texas. We were there to visit my son's dad. I decided while we were there, we were going to take our family pictures. My family pictures include myself and children. My son's father also wanted to have pictures done of himself, my son, and his daughter. Well, my son and his father had their pictures done before my family. When it was my turn I was told we did not qualify to get the package offer with any pictures with my son in them because my son already had pictures done with his father and sister.

I explained to her that we were there to visit his dad and we were not together. We still could not get the offer with pictures he's in. I don't understand. We are two individual customers that happen to have a child together. We ended up not taking the pictures because I refuse to leave me son out and we ended up coming back home to find somewhere else to have our family pictures done.

Appreciate Their Work
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COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS -- My daughter had an accident on the way to get pictures taken. We were an hr. late, but they were very understanding and patient with 4 kids that were getting pics taken way to close to their nap times and with the adults that were still in shock from the car accident. My daughter doesn't live in town and I am thankful we were able to get the pics while she was here. Thanks to the patience of the photographers and their co-workers. Will visit them again.

Will Never Go Back
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Rating: 1/51

GRANGER, INDIANA -- I have been going to PI for 4 years. They overbook and the wait time is awful but we loved our photographer Heidi. I have learned they FIRED her because her productivity dropped when her mother died unexpectedly! She is by far the best photographer they had. They are all about the money and have no heart or compassion. I will never go back and will spend hundreds of dollars elsewhere. Terrible management!

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1.4 out of 5, based on 28 ratings and
35 reviews & complaints.
Contact Information:
Portrait Innovations
2016 Ayrsley Town Blvd Ste 200
Charlotte, NC 28273-4198
704-499-9359 (ph)
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