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Carrots in soup had black marks on them
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Rating: 2/51

The Campbells Chunky Chicken Noodle soup had carrots that had rotten spots on them. I have also seen the same thing on Campbells condensed Bean and Bacon soup. I'm enclosing two photos to show this.

downsized amount in soup cans ruins recipies
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Rating: 1/51

GOODYEAR, ARIZONA -- I wondered why my casserole came out a bit dry this past week. I hadn't made it in a while and the last time it came out perfect. This week it came out dry and not as creamy as I expected. I went through every ingredient I had written down and could not find a problem. Then I looked at my recipe again and saw that I was to put in 2 cans of 10 3/4 oz Cream of Mushroom soup. I checked all my cans that I had bought previously....all of them were 10 1/2 oz. All the cans were downsized without the consumer's knowledge. That's criminal. Don't do that....just charge a bit more for the same size. Now you've ruined recipes too.

Not only does the reduced amount make the casserole dryer, but to fix the problem for next time, I am forced to open a third can, use the extra amount to make it correct, then throw the rest of the soup away. What am I going to use the leftover mushroom soup for? Forcing me to shell out another $1.50 for one can only to use a portion and throw the rest away is maddening. Now, all my recipes for anything that has Campbell's soup in it has to be adjusted. More money for the company. Anger for the customer.

Don't Consume Campbell's Low Sodium Cream of Mushroom Soup
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Rating: 1/51

CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY -- Unsure if anyone else found the 40% Cream of Mushroom soup to taste off and burns the back of one's throat (similar to when one eats something overly salty). Bought several cans of Cream of Mushroom Soup 40% less sodium as we could not find the regular Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup in any grocery store of late. Did not think much would be different and also believed 40% less sodium would be a good healthy alternative to the original cream of mushroom soup.

As soon as we opened the 2 cans noticed that the color was very brownish instead of the usual white creamy texture found in the regular Cream of Mushroom Soups in the past. Checked the expiration date on the soups believing may be it was off but the best before date stamped on the can was May 15, 2019. So proceeded to use the soups to make our traditional vegetable casserole which always included adding two cans of Campbell's (regular) cream of mushroom soup until now.

After the casserole was done and it was served our family & guests after just the first mouthful commented something tasted off. Few more mouthfuls and no one could continue to eat it. WHY? We all noticed a bitter odd aftertaste and stinging on the tongue and back of our throats. (Similar if someone would take a drink of heavily saturated salt water - only worse!)

Also unsure why but soon after those with MSG sensitivities started to complain of a bad MSG headache even though the product label on the cans claim there is no MSG being used. In short had to throw the entire casserole dish out into the garbage which wasted a lot of our fresh vegetables, cooked noodles, etc... not to mention paying $1.97 per can was another waste of money. So in short - found this new product line sub par and will never buy it again and caution others to think twice!

Just look closely at the ingredients list - 300mg of Potassium and Sodium amount per can is 470mg. The product claim on Campbell's website also states that POTASSIUM CHLORIDE (the SALT SUBSTITUTE) is now being used to reduce Salt (Sodium Chloride).

Also doubt that using Potassium Chloride in such high concentration as we found it to be in these 2 cans it just CANNOT BE A SAFE ALTERNATIVE given that Potassium Chloride in high quantities can stop the heart!!! But enough said! On Monday will be returning the remaining cans of this product and also other Campbell products we have purchased back to the store for a full refund.

After this experience earlier today - trust in Campbell's products has been broken. We are just fortunate that we held the common sense not to eat the rest of the dish given if only a few mouthfuls made us feel ill can only imagine what we would have felt like if we ate the remainder. Sorry Campbell's but you lost loyal customers of over 40 years with this recent stunt you pulled presenting something as healthy when the opposite holds true.

Whats Wrong With The New England Clam Chowder
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Rating: 1/51

I usually will buy a can of Campbell's Chunky New England Clam Chowder each time we go shopping. About a month ago I bought a can as usual and opening it up there was a yellowish hue to the soup, it's always been creamy white. I didn't eat it because it didn't look right, I took pictures, contacted Campbell's Soup, gave them the codes on the can, explained what happened and their response was a coupon for free soup. WTF? Not a concern? I replied that I didn't want a free coupon. I want to make sure it was safe to eat, the response was that's a different department. "I will have them get back to you."

Nothing, so I contacted the store where I bought it. They said, "Come in and fill out a form." In the meantime I purchased another can, this was the creamy white. Taste great. So I figured WTH, I didn't want to cause problems. So I just purchased another the following week, yellow! I went to the store and was talked out of filling out a form, no biggie. Tonight, I opened another can I purchased, white... whew! Sit down to eat and it tasted like nothing, whatever nothing taste like, no taste whatsoever, just bland, what the hell is going on? All cans were bought from the same store.

Worst Lids Ever-On Single Serving Soup Cans
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Rating: 1/51

ARKANSAS -- You have the absolute worst lids on your individual microwavable soup cans. Soup spills/splatters EVERYWHERE each time I open one of these cans. Soooooo stupid! You should have a better lid. I am D.O.N.E. buying this idiotic can.

Fiest Nacho Cheese
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Rating: 1/51

NEW JERSEY -- This is a very oily distasteful product. I had severe nausea and gas after consuming this product. I could taste soybeans when I burped. I read the label and discovered this is a soy product with less than 2% cheese products. Fake cheese made from a concoction of oils and extracts. Thank God for Alka-Seltzer! This soy product looks, tastes, and smells like baby poo. I do not recommend it.

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Rating: 1/51

HANOVER, MASSACHUSETTS -- Almost 2 weeks ago I had the Campbell's potatoes soup and I found many disgusting things inside including big pieces of plastic, they told me they will send me a $20.00 coupon and it's almost 2 weeks and so far nothing, also the worst thing in their soup is all Chicken noodle soups, whether it's chunky or any other chicken related soup after heating up the chicken is so hard and chewy that it's not even hygienic to eat that soup. They should change the way they preserve or cook their chicken. I have have hundreds of soups from them and I always remove the chicken because it's always over cooked, chewy and looks fake.

Worst Soup for Your Health!
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Rating: 1/51

HANOVER, MASSACHUSETTS -- The worst soup you can ever have is Campbell Soup. Their chicken is always overcooked, chewy and rubbery. It always looks like fake chicken and 2 weeks ago I found plastic and lot of other things in my potato soup. They promised me they will send $20 coupon which also they did not send, they should learn how to preserve their chicken and how to cook so that when consumers warm up it does not get overcooked, worst soups ever.

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Rating: 1/51

My grandma was eating chickennoodle soup & found blue green chunks of something in the bottom of her bowl it looks like cleaner EVERYONE WATCH B4 you EAT TBAT SOUP

Disappointed Consumer
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Rating: 1/51

ILLINOIS -- I made Campbell's soup for dinner last night because soup is "good food" right? It's decent considering the sodium content. I was tired, husband was tired, too tired to cook, so Campbell's soup is the answer. Until I noticed that the amount that fit into the cups we always use didn't measure up. So I went into the pantry and looked at the cans. What do you know.

Some of them that have been on the shelf a little longer said 11 1/2 oz. Then I looked at another can and it said 10 3/4 oz. The rest of the cans which I recently purchased said 10 1/2 oz. But the confusing part is the cans are all still the same size!!! So this whole time they have been giving us less and less for our money and they thought we wouldn't notice -- because consumers are dumb, right?

I used to be able to have a full bowl of soup with some left in the pot. Last night I noticed not only was the bowl not as full, but there was none left in the pot. Needless to say, I'm extremely disappointed and frustrated with this continual consumer rip off campaign that has taken over America. As it is, the price of Campbell's soup has skyrocketed - ridiculously expensive per can that you can't afford to buy it unless it is on sale or you have coupons. They have you there too! Coupons!

You have to buy 4 cans to save 40 cents. Really??? Like a dime per can is going to matter??? You've been found out Campbell's soup and because of your sneaky deceit, I will no longer purchase Campbell products ever again. I will find a better, more honest, alternate "good food" meal to serve to my family going forward. I'll be watching the shelves for the 10 oz. and/or 9 1/2 oz. cans coming soon to a supermarket near you!

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45 reviews & complaints.
Contact Information:
Campbell Soup
1 Campbell Place
Camden, NJ 08103
1-800-257-8443 (ph)
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