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Parents Landline
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Rating: 1/51

GRAHAM, NORTH CAROLINA -- Both of my parents are in poor health. When they had landline service with AT&T, they never had a problem. Since AT&T sold their landline service to Lingo, my parents have had nothing but problems. Their calls get dropped and most of the time the phone rings but not inside the house.

A tech was supposed to go check their phone on 7/27. The tech didn't show. When I called this morning to see what was going on, I was told that the computer showed that the tech went and fixed the problem. That"s a bald faced lie. My parents never left the house because they were waiting for the no show tech. My next call is going to be to the FCC, local news channels and an attorney. God help these people if something happens to my parents because of these sorry ** negligence. I will own this sorry excuse of a company and then shut it down since nobody in the government has the balls to do it.

Time to Leave After 10 Years! Rip Off!
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Rating: 1/51

Where do I start! I have two separate lines with Lingo and they use to be great! but now what a joke! Customer service never answered and you just get asked to leave a message and that they will call you back. Well over a month and still no callback! I asked for my plan to be dropped to a lower one and was told no problem. It's $25 to change but they never did it and keep charging me! This was requested April 17 and despite repeated phone calls still nothing! Now the old Primus Portal was great. Could do lots like forward calls, simultaneous ring etc, and now the new portal is utter trash! Nothing is on there. Just billing and account information. That's it! I've e-mailed/called and still not got a refund or my plan changed! Time to leave!

Lingo Was Good, Not Anymore!!!
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I am subscribing to their services for more than a year now. Initially Lingo was very good as it saved me a few bucks every month. The real problem came when I called in to cancel my account last month as I have already switched over to Vonage. When I had initially signed up, my contract with Lingo was only for a year, now out of nowhere they have changed it to two years with a higher termination fee.

When I tried to dispute that with the call center people, they simply refused to listen to me stating that my Terms and Conditions has a clause which says that my Terms and Conditions can change anytime and I would have to agree to it. On top of that they said it is absolutely legal to change the Terms and Conditions, which I had signed on during signup, anytime.

I know that the call center people are somewhere in Asia who have no idea about the laws and ethics which needs to be followed by every American company. If you put a clause in your Terms and Conditions that you would steal from me, and you steal from me, it does not make the stealing legal. When you say "Lingo was a good VoIP", I assume that you are not a customer with them anymore, so let me tell you the present ground realities about Lingo:

On my business number, my fax machine works with Vonage. Granted it does not work perfectly, but we still receive and send faxes on a regular basis. With Lingo, I also find it tricky to reestablish a connection if the power goes off. Have to reset the cable modem, then plug in the Lingo unit, let it download and a couple of minutes later, the router. However, I can't talk on the phone and download anything on the computer without it cutting out on the phone.

Call center staff for Lingo have heavy accents and they repeat the same things over and over again no matter what issue you have (seems like you are speaking to robots). Sometimes when they get bored of repeating the same sentences, they would put you on hold 5 minutes to consult a supervisor, and guess what, they would come back and still repeat the same sentences all over again. They have absolutely ZERO knowledge of their own product going along with their thick, heavy accents.

I have my business numbers from Verizon and Vonage and, really, others should learn from them how call centers are supposed to work, esp. from Vonage. These companies too have call centers in Asia - so how is it that they get it right and Lingo doesn't?

I don't mean to take away anything from your experience with Lingo, but it seems like you were amongst the rare breed of happy customers Lingo ever had out of those hundreds and thousands who have expressed their views on the internet. Lately Lingo customer service staff SOLICIT good things to be said about them in the surveys, etc. As far as I am concerned I paid a heavy price for saving a few bucks a month, $100 to be exact because I have made up my mind to cancel my account as soon as possible before they change the termination clause in the Terms and Conditions to 5 years or $1000 penalty.

Lingo Will Not Process My Refund... Gives Me the Run-Around.
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MCLEAN, VIRGINIA -- I placed an order for service on 4/14/09 for Lingo Hello World calling plan. I was never emailed confirming service. I called 866-546-4603 at 11:13 PM est on 4/15/09 asking about my order. I was told that within 24-48 hours I would receive a call verifying my order or I could call 866-800-0095 and leave a message on their answering machine confirming my order so they could go ahead and process. I called 866-800-0095 on 4/15/09 at 11:15 PM and again on 4/16/09 at 01:13 PM and left my message both times confirming my order.

I received a call on 4/16/09 at 4:34 PM est from an UNKNOWN number while at work so they left a message. I checked my message on 4/16/09 at 05:24 PM est and found out that Lingo had called trying to confirm my order. This was after calling them myself and leaving a message on their answering machine confirming my order. I called 866-800-0095 again on 4/16/09 at 06:38 PM est once again to leave another message confirming my order.

After not hearing anything back on 4/17/09 I called 866-546-4603 at 6:31 PM est on 4/18/09 to speak with an agent to just cancel my order. They informed me that my order had not been confirmed and that I needed to once again call 866-800-0095 and leave a message to cancel my order. I did this on 4/18/09 at 06:57 PM est. Surprise surprise, I received an email 4/19/09 at 8:48 am EST confirming my order!

I was already mad that they could not have a live customer service agent call me back confirming my order after leaving 4-5 messages on their answering machine myself confirming the order but they went ahead and confirmed my order about 12 hours after calling to cancel service. Well I called 888-546-4699 on 4/19/09 at 4:00 PM est to ask about my cancellation. They told me that they could not help me until I received the equipment and to just refuse delivery if I didn't want the service.

I received my UPS Tracking #: ** 4/20/09. The package arrived 4/21/2009 6:17 PM est and I refused delivery. The package then arrived in HARRISBURG, PA on 4/23/2009 at 11:42 AM est and was Signed By: ** at Location: DOCK. I called 888-546-4699 on 4/21/09 at 3:20 PM est asking about the process as was told that after they receive the adapter that it would take 7-10 days for my refund. Here we are on 5/15/09 nearing 25 days after they received the refused adapter and still no refund.

I called 888-546-4699 on 5/15/09 at 10:31 AM est about the refund. The lady I spoke with asked for my tracking number. After 3 minutes on hold she proceeds to explain that this was the tracking number that they shipped the adapter to me and wanted the tracking number for my shipment back. I explained that I just refused delivery. After another 4 minutes on hold she explains that they have located my shipment and to expect a refund with 10 days on the original credit card. What an incompetent company.

My refund should have been processed over a month ago. My credit card was also prepaid and has been closed so I expect further problems from this company so expect an update in another week or so. I am due $29.95 for the activation refund however I should be receiving the whole amount minus shipping because the adapter was not even touched by me as I refused delivery. With this company's confused employees and cheap way of confirming orders or lack thereof I would highly advise anyone to stay far far away from this cheaply operated company. I have cell phone documentation to back up all phone calls.

UPDATE: I have been calling since the beginning of June to inquire about my refund. My credit card was closed so I requested a check. I called a week later to inquire about it and then the representative wanted a new card number to process my refund to that credit card. I called another week later and now have been promised a check ONCE again. I am still waiting as of today for my check refund that I asked for on APRIL 21.

BYE BYE Lingo and HELLO Vonage!!
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I've been a customer with Lingo all this while, even with the choppy voice quality and nightmarish customer service only because of the cheap calling plans. To my surprise I came to know about Vonage's new plan called “Vonage World” today. I was literally jumping with joy when I looked up the plan on their website. I spent some time in measuring my pros and cons. Here are some facts I have listed down:

Vonage is offering free calling to 60 countries vs.Lingo's list of 30 (Hello World Unlimited Plan), at almost the same price. Calling to mobile phones are also included for most of the 60 counties vs.Lingo's none. The best price Lingo can offer for calls to India is 4 cents a minute vs. Vonage's zero to both cell phones and landlines. OH, AND YES MEXICO IS FREE TOO. Vonage has a better customer service and phone quality (any given day!)

Lingo changes their terms of service whenever they want. On the other hand I've not heard anything like that about Vonage (maybe because they don't trick people that much!!!). Lingo's tax charges are way too high (don't know about Vonage). Vonage's cancellation fee is just $39.99 vs. Lingo's $100 AND Vonage's contract term is for just a year vs. Lingo's 2 years.

I think it is a great deal from Vonage and it will definitely save me at least $10-15 a month on India calling alone; that is almost $150 a year (I would love to save that much esp. in these difficult times). I know Lingo had tricked me in the past by changing my terms of service with a $100 cancellation fee. However, I am ready to pay that and quit Lingo because I would still save almost $50 right in the first year and then $150 in the subsequent years. This is the end of the road for Lingo, I guess. Therefore, BYE BYE Lingo and HELLO Vonage!!

BS Company and Their Customer Service, a Bigger Load of **
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Here is a word of caution if you are planning to transfer your phone number upon signup… DON'T MAKE THAT MISTAKE!!! I have unsuccessfully tried to transfer my number over to Lingo for more than 2 months. The sales guy said that the number would be transfer before I start using the service. First, it took 2 weeks to install the service, which means that you lose half the trial period time. Second, when my number did not show up on the caller ID screen, I called up the CS to learn that the transfer process was not even initiated. The guy asked me to send one authority letter that would initiate the process.

I tried submitting that online but it did not work. When I called the CS, they asked me to change my Internet browser to make it work. WTF??? Instead of admitting that they have a problem with their system, they simply pushed the ball to my court. I tried using a different browser but it still did not work, then they asked me to fax that damn letter. I had to fax it 7 times for them to receive it. By this time a month had already passed. I guess CS may have tagged my account as “RUN AROUND ACCOUNT” because that's what I got from all the reps. Their customer service is literally a big CIRCUS.

Finally, a week into my transfer process I got an email that the information in my form was incorrect. I called up the CS to know what was wrong, since my account was tagged as run around account, these jokers now asked me to send them a copy of my last bill from my last company, I provided that. After a couple of weeks I got another email informing that my number cannot be transferred because of my internet setup. I called up the CS to know how can I fix this problem but the guy on the other side sounded more lost than I did. That is when I stopped pursuing.

Since my number could not be transferred, I called in to cancel the account. These god-forbidden people are now threatening me with a $100 cancellation charge. Why on Earth do I need to pay them 100 bucks for getting rid of a service which I never used? My hope against hope is that they would settle the cancellation charge dispute without much fuss, but you can never be too sure with their CS. I will open that can of worms over here if I need to but my sincere advice to everyone is… STAY AWAY FROM LINGO!!!

My Lingo Nightmare
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I just got fast internet in September and decided to try Lingo. They had a special offer and waived the $40 to set up. I had not yet received the equipment when I got an email from them saying they had changed their terms of service. I immediately called to cancel my service and when the equipment came I refused it and it was safely returned to them unopened. They then charged me 38 dollars which I called to have reversed. They said they had no record of my cancellation and refused to refund even though it showed that I had never received the equipment or used the service.

After fighting on the phone, they finally agreed to refund the money. They of course never did, and in January they proceeded to bill me again. They billed me again in Feb and March and I just caught it. Mom was in the hospital for a month and then came to live with me so I was not on top of my banking as I usually am. When I called today, they said it shows that I cancelled but that I am still active. WHAT does that mean? The girl wanted to send me to another department but I instead asked to talk to a manager. She repeatedly said "I'll transfer you to the collections department now" and ignored my request. I kept refusing and asking for a manager.

She put me on hold for 15 minutes, came back and told me the manager was on another phone. She said she would now transfer me to the collections dept and again tried to ignore me when I said I would rather wait for a manager. Again on hold for a long time, she returns and says that the manager had to go to a meeting. She transferred me to the other dept and I have been on hold for over an hour. This is highway robbery.

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COLUMBUS, OHIO -- I called to find out information of their service. To begin I was requested to give lingo my personal information including a credit card number. BEFORE confirming I requested to know the exact fees charged. After I was told I said that I wanted to "put the order on hold" until I checked other service company prices. I was told that I would have to "CANCEL" and was transferred to another department. I said that I wanted to place the "account on hold" until I did further checking.

I was told that the Lingo Equipment had been shipped automatically (this was the same phone call) and I was transferred to another department. I went through the same explanation and stated that they should CANCEL the shipment. I was given an order number and a cancellation number.

About one week later the LINGO equipment was delivered to my home with no signature requested. AND, LINGO charged my credit card two charges - one for the equipment $39.90 and one for a "foreign transaction" for $0.39 (the company works out of Canada). I called my VISA and filed a complaint and dispute. Visa immediately took off the 39 cents but requested a written dispute for the $39.90.

I filed the dispute with VISA and also called LINGO. LINGO gave me a hard time but finally agreed to send a return shipping label for the equipment. LINGO also disputed my dispute with
VISA because they had shipped me their equipment. The shipping label never came and I had to make four more calls to try to get the shipping. The shipping label finally arrived and the LINGO equipment was returned. LINGO promised that I would get a FULL and COMPLETE credit.

I again filed a dispute with VISA - LINGO then credited my VISA for $29.95 and not $39.90 because LINGO does not pay for shipping. Calling LINGO again I eventually got an answering machine that included a scenario very similar to what happened to me and they would get back to me. Do not, REPEAT NOT, even think about dealing with LINGO.

Do Not Ever Use Lingo!
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Rating: 1/51

COLUMBUS, OHIO -- Don't ever use Lingo. The sales people are liars - they promise you great deals for 6 months to get your money and within the second month you will be charged full amount (normal monthly charges). They will take forever to get back on a query saying the higher management is looking into it. Probably the higher management doze off in their offices or party daily and never do their work.

From start to finish I have always had problems with them. After telling them the entire story about how their sales person lied and how the higher management was still looking into the contract we wanted to sign to get lesser rates, I asked them to cancel my account and not charge me for the shipping label as it was their mistake.

They gave me a reference number and asked me to call when the charge was applied so they could credit it back to my card. When I called with that reference number they simply denied of giving my money back. Like I said, they will lie to get your money and make you a customer. After that they will give you ** every time you call. BEWARE! Do not fall into this trap.

Be Aware of Lingo Scam
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Rating: 1/51

Customer service people appears very friendly when you show interest. This company is a total fraud. They offer you free international phone calls with no limitation. But when you make several phone calls they will warn you and after a few days depending on your call volume they will disconnect the service without any notice and charge on your credit card a hefty amount that includes the charge for calls and their equipment, that equipment was originally offered free with the subscription.

I disputed the charge with credit card company. American Express took care of that, I did not have to pay anything. Lingo then sent the bill to a collection agency. That agency never contacted me instead it went to my credit history. I am not too concerned about credit history. This was a fraudulent charge. I am contacting Attorney General's office to report this fraud. I want everyone to be aware of this scam and stay away from the phony phone service.

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1.0 out of 5, based on 13 ratings and
53 reviews & complaints.
Contact Information:
7901 Jones Branch Rd., Ste. 900
McLean, VA 22102
888-546-4699 (ph)
703-902-2814 (fax)
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