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How/Where do I complain about NCO?
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Where can I register a complaint about NCO that will get notice/hopefully affect change? For months I received calls from NCO – cryptic messages, often from a recording about an "important decision" requesting that I call back. When I did call on various occasions and asked the operator what NCO was I got a number of evasive and snide responses. For instance: 1. Question: "What's NCO?" Answer: "My employer" 2. Question: "What does NCO do?" Answer: "a lot of things", yet they expected me to provide my social security number in this day and age of fraud and identity theft.

Consequently I blew my stack with the operators and hung up in a fury stating that I'd put my name on the “do not call” registry, to which they replied that they were calling with regard to a business matter that involved me. Turns out they'd mis-identified me as a debtor (they were looking for Paul A. **, and I'm Paul E. **). I found their whole way of doing business and interacting with me appalling and would very much like to register a complaint. It was true harassment – the relentless calls followed by very unfriendly exchanges with operators who assumed that I owed money.

On a side note, I've noticed a lot of harsh postings in the vein of “just pay your bills, stupid deadbeat.” The lack of compassion and understanding is reprehensible. It's not always easy to make one's way in the world. Many workers don't have support systems in place (family, quality education, etc.) and it saddens me that some people don't acknowledge the more complex reality that not all citizens are equipped with the same survival tools. Most everyone, when given the opportunity, takes pride in supporting oneself, a family, etc and taking pride in a job well done.

Contacting the Attorney General Was Beneficial
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DEARBORN HEIGHTS, MICHIGAN -- I received a correspondence today via the MI Attorney General whose office has been acting on my behalf with NCO. NCO was trying to collect a debt from me that came originated from Chase Providian for $5,500 with half of that being interest. I've never had a Chase Providian account or any account for that matter with the amounts in question. It was addressed to my former married name and it was spelled incorrectly. After seeing so many complaints on this site and Ripoffreport...I contacted the AG and the FTC.

The AG immediately went into action and within 3 weeks has resolved the matter to my satisfaction. WAY TO GO MI ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE!!! The letter was sent to the AG's office. Unfortunately this letter does not explain how they came to attempt a collection from me in the first place. Oh well, I'm thankful it's over. Thank you for all the great advice that I've seen here. If I didn't stumble across this website I would not have taken the action that I took to get it resolved. I've learned a few things maybe there was something positive to come out of it. Fortunately I feel that there's hope for the people who have been unjustly contacted by NCO. Never give up.

I Can't Believe They're Attempting to Extort Money
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CHICAGO, ILLINOIS -- I'm in the personal finance industry. I've made it a habit for years now to check my credit report monthly to ensure there is no incorrect information. Today I checked my report as I usually would, and I find NCO FIN/99 - which I've NEVER seen before, claiming a collection of $440.00 for an account opened in Sept. of 2004. Now, I am not flaky. I keep VERY close tabs on all of my active accounts (7 cards, and 2 car loans) and all are in order, and paid up to date.

I've been a financial advisor for 5 years, and I THINK I would know when I open an account, and whether or not I've paid said account. I pride myself on keeping my accounts in pristine order, because I WAS a teenager at one time, and messed up my credit, and have never allowed it to happen since. I have not received ANY phone calls, or communications through US Mail regarding this debt. The 866 phone number for NCO that I found on Google leads to a machine *obviously* in a non-native English speaking CS department.

I immediately put through a dispute request with the credit company, and as with this site, have found multiple individuals on the internet who have had similar issues with NCO. I intend to have my husband check his report tonight to make sure the same thing hasn't happened to him. I can't imagine myself opening an account and then not paying it, as money isn't really an issue. They obviously don't know that they've chosen one HECK of an organized FA to mess with.

NCO False Promise
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PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA -- My first encounter with this Zoo was a letter stating that I owed for an electric company (I filed complaints) $156.00. Mind you that I had been paying the electric company a monthly payment. I decided to call them from a payphone and a woman answered who sounded like she just got out of bed and was smoking crack or had a very bad habit of smoking,I could tell from her demeanor that she had no customer service experience in answering the phone (Afraid of That).

I was transferred and spoke with a woman and began the negotiating to get the amount owed lower. She agreed to settle for 117.00 and gave me a date that reflected 30 days to pay. I requested it in writing and she agreed. The letter arrived a week later. However the letter stated that they would accept a LUMP SUM of that amount and that this offer could expire at any time without notice. HELLO... I WAS NOT BORN YESTERDAY.

Basically the letter states with no agreed 30-day time frame that she previously agreed and the letter reflects they will accept that amount and you pay the rest later and when we get your payment we will send you a letter stating that the offer expired and you owe the full amount. They must think people are stupid. I read into this letter so quick. I called her back and she played DUMB. Long story short she agreed to the previous again another letter arrived with no mention of previous agreements and asking for the full amount.

She then called my phone (THEY HAVE CALLER ID) the day before the letter arrived and asked "did the letter arrive?" She asked. I said "you obviously do not know how to do your job" and she played dumb again and had no excuse for the mishap.

Never pay NCO a dime. They are very deceptive and will flat out lie to you and play head games. I did call the electric provider and they agreed to accept continued payments and that after a certain amount of time of not paying the balance they refer them to COLLECTIONS. "Oh gee thanks! I have been paying you by the way every month." NCO will not receive nothing from me and I will continue to pay Creditor.

Maybe DebtorBasher Can Answer Me This Question
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Maybe DebtorBasher can shine some light on this for me since I find this quite humorous. So back in November I get a message on my answering machine, stating that there was a mandate against me. First contact with the company and there is a mandate out? OK whatever. I contacted the guy back and he began by stating he was a lawyer and that they wanted to receive the past due bill I owed. I told him I wasn't comfortable discussing this until I got a letter from the company at which point I would talk with him again.

I received the letter but got busy and forgot to call. When he recontacted me we talked and were actually agreeing to a payment plan. I told him first off that I didn't want to send three postdated checks for the three months to pay it off. He proceeded to tell me that it was illegal for them to take a money order unless it was half the amount. Hmm again don't believe that to be true. Then I said I wouldn't send anything, until he faxed me something that said we had reached an agreement. Just protecting myself you know, since I had looked up this company's reports. He proceeded to tell me that it was against the law to do so.

I then asked him which law it was and he told me that he couldn't tell me the law since it would be a conflict of interest. Well this made me angry, and I continued asking him again what law it was. He then put me on with his supervisor. Hmm a lawyer that has a supervisor lol. So this man proceeds to get snotty with me telling me it was a conflict of interest to tell me which law. He then said I should go down to my lawyer and ask him which law it was that prevented NCO from sending a document that shows an agreement. What he didn't and still doesn't know is that I work for a law firm that deals with consumer law.

So I got off the phone and go to my boss and ask him if there was any law. Of course there isn't any law, and trying to say it's a conflict of interest doesn't work. Since that time I refuse to talk to anyone from NCO. They could've had all the money since I was willing to pay it. But when you lie to me and threaten me with false threats it just makes me mad. I am just tempted to call and say I won't sue you guys if you guys drop the debt hahahaha. Why would I want to deal with a company that just paid 1.5 million for breaking the law. So DebtorBasher which law is it? I really would like to let my attorney know.

Report to Credit Bureaus
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HOUSTON, TEXAS -- How are these people still in business? O.K. Based on ALL the reviews I read from this site, in addition to all the Class Action Suits against it, EVERYONE who has responded to this forum needs to write complaints to:
1) The Federal Trade Commission, 2) Their State's Attorney General, 3) The Attorney General if the State where the company has their location, 4) The reporting Credit Bureaus, 5) The Original Creditor (if applicable), 6) The Better Business Bureau, and 7) The Department of Business and Professional Regulations. All it takes is one letter, cut and pasted.

In my attempt, to no avail, to find out what the heck is going on, I realized that there are several companies with the same name in various states. It appears as if NCO Financial Systems, Inc. and NCO Financial Services, Inc. are the same, based on the complaints against them. Could they all be the same company? I just don't know. Now, my situation with NCO is different. I never received any letters or phone calls. They just appeared on my credit report (2/3). I found out because my credit score dropped from 720 to 643 in two months. I've worked VERY hard to repair my credit after a bankruptcy 7 years ago, and these snakes, for a lack of a better word, recklessly damage it again.

The date they say the account was opened is inaccurate. Impossible. I never applied for any credit during or near that period in an effort to build a stronger credit profile. Now, the only thing I can assume is, IF (an operative word) the debt is legitimate, then they altered the date of the original loan to make it appear as if the debt began when they acquired it. IF that is the case, then they are in violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act because they are providing inaccurate information.

After VERY little research, I discovered that in fact there was a class action suit filed against NCO for the very same reason. The plaintiffs won the case and were awarded monetary damages, including lawyers fees. Now, if the debt is not a legitimate one, then they are still reporting inaccurate information, willfully and deceivingly attempting to scam me. If anyone is a lawyer, am I right about their obvious violation, assuming my hypothesis? I've recorded a dispute with the reporting credit bureaus, but I don't have much confidence in them since I'm sure they are well aware of the consumer complaints against NCO. What do I do now?

double dipping on auto pay
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VERMONT -- My husband and I set up with NCO for auto pay for our hospital bill, our funds are limited we were in a ch 13 which most of our money was gone before we ever saw it. Unfortunately after we filed several things happened and we both ended in the hospital a couple of times. They called and harassed us unreal and when we told them our financial plight they were rude.

Finally this year 2004 we had made progress with the bank we were dealing when she suggested we start paying the hospital to help our credit score as we're going for a home equity loan. We set it up for a set amount for the first of each month, the first 2 months were OK then it happened the first time - they double dipped my account. When I called them I was told "put it toward your bill, there is nothing they can do, or wait 90 days". I went to my bank and filed a dispute form - got my money back. I was also told by NCO that it would not happen again.

On Dec 10, 2004 our loan officer called them for a settlement payoff which then a check was issued for them. We paid off our ch 13. On Dec 13 they took out a payment even though they knew they were getting a check plus they were only supposed to take it out the 1st of the month. I called to make sure they got the check and made sure auto pay was canceled - I was assured it was. Then on Jan 4, 2005 they got into my account again and double dipped. I called them and again I was told "sorry" but there is nothing they can do. I talked to Lisa ** - a supervisor. She said it would take 90 days to put the money back into my account.

I went to my bank and they said because they would put the money back they could not do anything either. Visa rules on check cards. I called Lisa back and told her I want my money back now, instead I was told it will be 90 days - to me that is stealing. Advice do not do autopay with them. Do not give them any access to your accounts that are not honest. It is Feb 17 and I am still waiting. PS Lisa said they never double dip. I informed her real quick it was not the first time for me. Creditors NCO is a dishonest system. They are rude and they are thieves. If any of you got any ideas on how to get my money back instead of waiting another 45 days I am all ears.

Will NCO remove the adverse record from my credit reports?
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CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA -- Due to the closing company's failure to pay off my loan with Fleet Bank after I sold my house in July 2003, my already closed checking account with the same bank was overdrawn with one extra monthly mortgage payment in August 2003. Few months later, when I found out what happened and informed the closing company about the matter. They promised to pay off my loan and the negative balance in my checking account right away.

A week later, I received a copy of a letter the closing company sent to Fleet Bank. In the letter, the closing company admitted their mistakes and asked Fleet Bank to remove any penalties or negative reports resulted from their oversights. Right after I sold my house, I moved from NH to CA.

Just last week, when I received my credit report, an adverse record, posted by NCO, shown up in the report. The adverse record is about my negative balance with Fleet Bank. I called Fleet Bank (now BOA) and found out that the closing company did pay off my loan with Fleet but never paid off my negative balance in the checking account with Fleet.

I called the closing company and the reception would not transfer my phone call. When I called Fleet, I was told that if I pay off the negative balance in my closed checking account to NCO, contracted by Fleet/BOA, this adverse record will be removed by NCO two or three months later. So I did what he said. But when I called NCO again to confirm what Fleet told me, NCO said that they would only update the status from unpaid to paid in full.

When I called Fleet again, the same person told me that I am all set on this matter and NCO will remove the record. (I have never received any phone call or letter from NCO and my address in NCO's file is not correct(my old address in NH). My question is - Will NCO remove my adverse record from my credit report? If NCO won't, what should I do to resolve the problem? Fleet Bank told me that they could not remove the record for me. Only NCO can do that? Any comment and suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

NCO: "eBay/PayPal Debt Will Not Go on Credit report." True/False???
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For the past several years, I sold miscellaneous merchandise on eBay and primarily used PayPal to collect payments. About one year ago, I received a string of chargebacks on high-dollar items. This left my PayPal account with nearly $1,000 in the red. I provided delivery confirmation numbers for all of the cases, and PayPal reimbursed me for half of the cases, but for some reason they didn't decide in my favor for nearly $500 worth of merchandise?!?
I got so aggravated with PayPal that I quit selling on eBay. I ignored the emails from PayPal regarding my negative balance.

Then a few weeks ago, I received a letter from NCO Financial stating that I owed $472! I have a perfect credit-rating and have never missed a payment in my life. I immediately tried to contact PayPal via telephone, which was impossible. I resorted to emailing them which took forever to go through their online screening process... only to receive a generic response telling me to simply pay NCO. (I ended up losing the letter from NCO on a business trip prior to calling NCO...)

I called NCO, waited on hold for several minutes, and then reached a lady that had never even heard of PayPal. She asked me if it was a department store?! She gave me another phone number to call. I called it, but they couldn't find any record of my account. She gave me yet another number to call. I called it, and once again, they couldn't find a record of my account!

The lady said, "Well, you'll just have to wait until you receive a call from us or get another letter." I was extremely aggravated at this comment, and she explained that "eBay and PayPal collections would not get turned over to the credit bureaus..." and went on to say that they "were having a lot of legal problems with eBay and PayPal that were trying to get worked out..." She confirmed to me that I was in no danger of having my credit record scarred by an eBay or PayPal account. Can anyone out there confirm or disprove this claim??? I want to be absolutely sure that my credit record is not in any danger.

Although the debt was wrongfully forwarded on to me, I am willing to pay it off to clear up this mess and go on with my life... but I don't want to sit around waiting for another letter when time may be running out for me to prevent any negative credit reports. Thanks for your information!

How Do I Get a Paid Bill to Stop Affecting My Credit?
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I received a notice from NCO about a year ago that I owed about $1,000 and had no idea what it could be. They would not tell me anything, but I finally discovered that it was for a 6-month old bill that I never received. I contacted the hospital to see why I never received a bill and why it was so high for a regular visit (my insurance normally pays for all but 10%). The hospital never filed it through the insurance, so I had them do that asap, but they would not let me pay what would be the remaining balance. They told me that I would have to do everything through NCO, since it had been turned over.

So I called NCO and explained the situation. They told me that if I did not pay the entire balance now, it would go on my credit history as negative. I did not have the money, and I knew that if I paid the entire balance, I would never see a reimbursement. I tried to tell them this, but they insisted that they would not wait for the insurance, and that I would have a negative credit history. The insurance paid quickly, and I immediately paid NCO the remaining balance. It shows as paid, but it still negatively affects my credit.

For the past year, I have been turned down for almost everything after having perfect credit my whole life. I explain that this is a mistake that I corrected asap, and it is paid, but I need to get it removed completely to return my credit to normal. NCO says that it is too late to have it taken off, but I think I have done the right thing all along, and there should be a solution. What can I do to re-establish the perfect credit that I once had?

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277 reviews & complaints.
Contact Information:
NCO Financial Systems
507 Prudential Road
Horsham, PA 19044
800-220-2274 (ph)
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