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Garbage: Scam: Incoherent
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Rating: 1/51

TORONTO -- This so called "company" is a joke. I called in to inquire about their services and a so called representative said in order to continue we need to do a credit check, so I said, "Ok fine." He response "I need your credit card number", so I gave it to him and said "you're not going to take money off of it right." He said '"Of course not". Anyways the representative said "Great. Everything looks good. You will not have to leave a deposit as your credit is good." I said, "Cool."

So we started talking about the services cable, landline and internet. I told him I was with Rogers right now and currently have cable a landline and internet with them, he replied "What type of package do you have and how much do you pay?" So I told him "Unlimited high speed internet, home phone with voice mail, caller ID, call waiting, and cable that includes everything including all the sports packs, TMN, HBO, super channel, all the movie networks and all the regular channels".

So he says "Wow. Ok. I can help, how much do you pay a month?" I responded "$$$" and he said "In order for me help you out I need you to email me your package you have with Rogers so I can verify that this is true." I said ok. That same day I emailed the representative at COMWAVE as I was still on the phone with him.

He said "Ok thanks and to hold for a second." I said "Ok". 45 minutes later he came back on the phone and told me that "Would it be ok to call you tomorrow because a lot of you channels are special channels and I'm going to try and find a loophole so that you can get all of these channels for less money your paying now with Rogers." I said "Ok".

The next day was Saturday and it was around 4 pm and the representative Mark had not called me back, so I called them and asked if "I could speak with Mark" and this representative Morris said Mark doesn't work on weekends. I said, "Oh wow. He told me he was working starting at 9 am."

So I told the representative Morris "Ok nevermind. I don't want to do any business with Comwave because I was lied to". So the representative Morris started questioning me "Why? Why? I can help you." I said "No thanks. Please remove my credit card # of of your system," he said, "I'm sorry you feel that way and that you were lied to." So he transferred me to a supervisor named David. David said "No problem we can take care of this". All of the sudden I here a beep on my phone alerting me that money had been taking out of my credit card from COMWAVE.

I was livid and told David "What the ** is going on, you guys just took money out of my credit card without my permission?" He replies, "Sorry I don't know why that happened" and that he would return my money in 3 business days. I said "No put it back now. This is theft". He once again said "Sorry you have to wait 3 days to get it back". So I finally said "ok" and proceeded to tell the supervisor David "So everything is going to be shut down?" (my account) He said "yes". End of conversation.

The next day I get an e-mail from Comwave stating that a technician has set a date to come out and install everything. In my head I was like, "WTF is going on here?" So I called back Comwave and told them, "What was going on?", the rep's name was Rodrick (supervisor) and he read the notes on my account and said "I'm sorry this is happening. Please hold." So I did for 30 min. Rodrick finally came back on the phone and said "Ok I'll can reassure you that your account is canceled" so I said "Thank you".

So the next day I get another e-mail saying all the equipment is being sent out to me. I was ** pissed. So I called back and spoke to David the supervisor again and he told me "Don't worry. Nothing will be sent out because I put a stop to it." I said "I canceled my account so why am I even getting e-mails from you guys stating you're sending out all the equipment when everything was supposed to be canceled?" He said, "Nothing" and then said "I had nothing to worry about. I said "Ok fine. Bye".

2 days later a knock at my door from Campar Canada with 3 big boxes of equipment. I told the shipper to send it back. I don't want it and got back on the phone with Comwave and told them what happened and they had no explanation and said "sorry." I freaked out saying "That's all you guys say is sorry, we understand your frustrations". I hung up.

So the next day I called back Comwave and spoke to another supervisor named Elvia and I asked her where my money was because it's been 3 days and she said, "It's gonna take another 7 to 10 business days." I was sooo mad. Currently I am still waiting for my money and receive e-mails everyday from Comwave saying your equipment is on its way. It's ridiculous. This company is a scam. Don't buy into their **. PS: I have read over 100 reviews with Comwave and no one had anything good to say about them. Please please please don't get any kind of service with them.

Horrible Horrible Horrible
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Rating: 1/51

EDMONTON -- "DO NOT GET ANY KIND OF SERVICE FROM THIS COMPANY." I don't even know where to start… I called Comwave to get an internet service on Dec 5th 2017. I Had long distance service through Call Select which is now own by Comwave. Told him about that long distance service I had and he told me that it will be better if I join the account, that way I will get only one bill and made sense and agreed to do so. He told me that technician will be in my place to set it up on Dec 18 Mon, 19 Tue or 20 Wed, but he can't confirm the date just yet and I would receive an email for confirmation.

I told him that I understand that you can't confirm the date just yet but would you be able to leave the note on my file that I prefer 18 Mon or 19 Tue because Mon and Tue is the only day that someone will be available at my place and even told him that if not 18th or 19th I'm okay with any other date but has to be Mon or Tue. Then he told me that he had the note on the file and I will receive the confirmation email regarding. Dec 11, 2017 - Got the confirmation email that Technician will come and set it up the internet and GUESS WHAT... the date was for 20th Wed.

I specifically told that guy ONLY MON OR TUE of the week would work for me. And now I tried to call so called customer service (What a Joke customer service by the way). Had to wait more than 50 min just to speak with somebody and finally one lady picked up my call and I explained the whole situation and she was like "Oh well there is no note on your file stating that you only requested for Mon or Tue". I was like "What?" Anyway I told her that the day they have put me on won't work so please cancel that day for me and have set it up some other date (Mon or Tue).

She told me that 20th Wed has been cancelled and will be one of the date 18th or 19th but again can't confirm yet and will receive an email. ALRIGHT! So here I was waiting for email just so I know which day they are coming. Waiting waiting and waiting NO email at all. And here it comes 19th of Dec and was told it would be 18th or 19th. Dec 19, 2017 - around 5pm trying calling them to see what the… is going on, and waited and listened that annoying music ever for one hour and 36 min just to speak with someone.

Finally got to speak and asked them, “Hey what's going on?” I was told that I will get an confirmation email for 18th or 19th but today is 19th 5pm already. And lady replied "Oh you have confirmed already that the technician is coming on 20th." I was so mad and start telling her the whole thing what happen since I sign up. I wanted Mon and Tue specific and that didn't happen cause they sent me email to confirm for Wed and I called to cancel that Wed and now that Wed was not cancel.

What a Horrible company or customer service is that? I could not believe what they are doing there. They should not be even doing business at all. So now I asked to speak with so called supervisor which was another 30min on hold just to be on hold and finally got to speak and repeated every single steps and explained what was happen and she was like "oh Sorry" hahhahahahahaha is that all?

Anyway I told her, “Stop everything right now. I do not want to deal with anything” and then of course trying to sell their ** services and making a deal but I was so done already and told her straight that "JUST CANCEL EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW, AND I‘M SO GLAD THAT I FOUND YOUR ** SERVICE before it's too late." Finally she did cancel everything and oh yeah I received their modem and she told me to return them in my own expenses. I said, “Sure” cause I just wanted to closure everything.

But before everything I asked her not twice but more than twice regarding my long distance service from Call Select which they combined to this ** internet account will be still up running cause I will need it (which I was gonna find out what's out there and cancel from them anyway but decided to keep for now). She confirmed that yes it will running up for long distance service. So after all that finally canceled the order. Thank God I did. Now hoping my long distance will be up running. And couple days later tried to call my mom in Nepal and Guess What??? It's not working.

Holly... Then again trying calling them and of course waited for 2 hour 41 min and 32 sec, I ended up hang up cause couldn't take that stupid music anymore. Tried the next day again and finally got to speak with someone after being on hold for more than 45 min. Isn't that ridiculous the amount of time you have to wait just to even talk to someone regarding anything. Who has time for that???

Anyway after speaking with that lady I found out that my long distance service has been cancelled too. REALLY??? After all that??? Couldn't explain how mad I was at that time and just figured it's gonna be useless to even argue and I just hang up. This was the worst experience ever I had in my life. Nobody has any idea what the... they are doing. I would rather pay bit more extra bill to get great customer service and know what I'm getting. Please Please Please do a favor for yourself and stay away from this **...

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Rating: 1/51

CALGARY -- Background: Back in April I cancelled home phone service due to high pricing. 6 months later I received a phone call from Comwave stating that there is an outstanding balance of $95 for non-returned device/box. I was a little shocked as I couldn't even recall anything about this matter – it's been six months since I cancelled the service. I was told that an email was sent with all details regarding the device return process that I missed somehow (it went into the junk mailbox).

Concern: I was able to find the email in my junk mailbox and I shipped the device right away (paid $25 for shipping) to avoid any further charges. I called Comwave on Wednesday, October 6, 2021 to provide an update on the shipped equipment and the tracking #. I got a hold of a Resolution Specialist. The Specialist immediately told me that I will be charged non-return fee for the device that I returned as I had only 6 weeks for the return after cancellation date. I asked her to transfer me to a manager, unfortunately, I received even worse customer experience…. Extremely unprofessional specialist, lack of problem-solving skill, constantly was interrupting me, didn't try to put a small effort to look into the situation differently.

For example, instead of telling me about the policies and being difficult, she could've taken the request back to see if there is anything else can be done in order to help the customer or take this concern to her manager and ask for help. I didn't steal the device, it's not broken, I returned a full set including all cables… I tried to explain that it's been 6 months and I didn't recall anything about this matter… maybe I was sick or in the Hospital, out of country or town, email went into the junk mailbox etc. The level of stress that I experienced from this situation and the time I invested unacceptable. I had been their customer for over 10 years and as soon as cancelled the service I got treated like a crime.

Since I shipped the device in excellent conditions and never had any issues with payment in the past, I asked them to look into cancelling the non-return fees of $95 and return my deposit of $50, I already spent $25 on shipping the device and my blood pressure is already high because of the stress. As a result, I received a call from customer service stating that they will apply my deposit of $50 towards the outstanding balance and will wave the difference of $45. TERRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE. PLEASE AVOID THIS COMPANY.

Comwave Scam
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Rating: 1/51

CANADA -- I live in Nova Scotia and to continuously watching your only $89.99 a month join the wave ** I can only say you ** play on human being's minds and budgets. Your service is not available in NS and I hope never will. So sick of Comwave and I hope anyone that works for this sick ** company will one day realize what your employer is selling and how fake it is. I did my research and Comwave is sucking in their employees to believe all is good. Not the truth. They plan to sell to Shaw very soon and many jobs will be lost. Next year Comwave and Shaw will begin a new company based on the total revenue they can set in concrete in the next 24 months. Comwave is a set up a ** from the highest level of the company. Be careful employee and do your own research on Comwave. Good Luck.

Terrible Customer Service
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Rating: 1/51

SCARBOROUGH -- In summary: spoke to salesperson on, Nov. 12, 2016, agreed to internet and home phone bundle with a 6 months free phone service, given 30 days to try without a contract. Equipment arrived within 2-3 days. Technician notice was emailed for Nov. 21, 2016. Technician came and checked cables etc., to confirm compatibility (all was 'excellent'). Was told that everything should be 'up and running' within 2 hours. Nothing in two hours; I phoned for support. Was told that the matter would be resolved within two hours.

Next day, Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2016, still no service; I phoned back. Spoke to another person and was told, again, that the matter would be resolved within 24 hours. Next day, nothing; I phoned again and spoke to supervisor; she told me she would take care of this and get the modem connected within an hour. Nothing, so I phoned again to speak to customer service - on hold for four hours and then disconnected.

I sent an email asking that someone call me as I kept on hold for hours and then disconnected. I also requested to cancel as I was not satisfied with the customer support (plus, I was charged for a second phone line, tax on that, 911 fee etc., of which I did not ask for one line as agreed when I 'signed up'). Called customer service again and waited again for over 70 mins. before someone finally answered (with apologies that they were 'under-staffed') - not my problem.

I proceeded to make my request to cancel the service as I had only had it for 2 days, of which it only worked for 4 hours. I also said that I expected a refund for the internet charge (they charge a month in advance) due to the fact that I only had 4 hours service and I was now canceling. I also asked why I was being charged for a second phone line which I did not request or agree to. Customer service kept attempting to solve my 'problem' and not accept my cancellation request (even though there was no contract as this was a few days within the 30 day trial period).

Customer service said that she would escalate my request - not sure if this means she canceled as per my request or not (even though I made it very clear I wanted to cancel, period). Agent difficult to understand; strong accent. I asked for email confirmation of my cancellation (in case they try charging my CC again next month). I got an email with the instructions on how to send back the equipment (at my expense) - no local office where I can drop it off.

I contacted my CC and they advised that if there were any future CC charges that I file a dispute with them (MasterCard), provide the 'return equipment instructions email' as proof of cancellation. Awaiting to see: did they cancel, will I get a refund for charges applied that I did not use (told I 'should' by "Maggie"), will I get an email tomorrow to confirm my refund (as "Maggie" assured me I would, from her).

Loss: $88.08 for the shipping (to me) of the modems and 'installation fee' - which I will not get back, fee for me to mail back the modem, charges for services rendered for the few hours I actually had the service. My next steps: have my attorney on notice in the event my cancellation request is not honored and/or they do not refund me for unused service and/or I am charged any further. I have contacted MasterCard for assistance re: next steps if any further charges are applied to my credit card.

My expectation: cancellation, refund for charges applied to my credit card which I did not use, no further charges on my credit card nor any further frustration with this company. If I get a 'no hassle' cancellation and they honor what they advertise (cancel within the 30 day trial period) and they credit my MasterCard for service not used, I may consider using them in future once they are better staffed to deal with customers (without waiting 4+ hours). If there are any hassles or problems, I will definitely involve my lawyer!

In the end I should only have to incur the $88.08 (shipping and installation fee - which I don't think I should), plus, the minimal free for 4 hours service. Also, what I have to pay to ship back the modems. Very dissatisfied so far; hoping Comwave can redeem themselves and do the right thing re: my cancellation. We'll see. I will post updates.

Trying to Be Fair.
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Rating: 2/51

TORONTO, ALASKA -- I don't have any photos so I guess "that let's this review out"? Have not read/heard many good things about this company. To be fair though much (not all) of consumer feedback can be found on various sites. How credible can that be? Seems like the only person that is raving about this service is the retired NHL player. Yes, I know his name: please read the Review Guidelines. He may know something that others don't?

Here is my factual story (again, read the Review Guidelines). The company says that it is based in Toronto and I don't dispute that (is on the website as such) but all of the people that I was talking to allegedly working for COMWAVE were working in El Salvador, Central America (2 hour difference).

Now just under a month ago, after trying to decide how to save some money on a few bills/talking to a few people about the company, I called COMWAVE (yes this is in capitals, see Review Guidelines) but so is the company name on its advertising). Three or four phone calls later (one of which the supervisor was going to be there at a certain time so that I would be able to confirm certain details with her, therefore not having to explain everything all over again to any operator that answers), I was given a proposed installation date.

Oh yes, that supervisor that said she would be there at a certain time, was not. Understandably, that is only a minor issue but if a supervisor says something, then it should be done. Does the time that I took off to ensure that I would be available at the agreed upon hour not count for anything. My time is precious to me.

The installation went fine but when I called to confirm everything, there were issues. The instructions on the boxes that were sent by the company said "to call the company while the installer was still there". As in the real world, those instructions are often changed/suggested to be overlooked in order to speed things up. That is what happened this time. Not a problem. A phone call to COMWAVES' Tech Dept. solved that "hiccup" easily enough. However, then I learned that my existing phone # was not put on the original order as being kept. That # had been in the family for over 50 years so that was a non-issue, which turned out to be the case.

Next, on that same phone call (getting better on solving all the problems on one phone call), I was informed that I would be paying more than originally quoted (understandable due to keeping my original # , which should have been done though in the first place). However, also hear this: that amount was almost double the advertised monthly amount or better put, double the price that is intended to draw people to the ad in the first place. Yes, don't forget to read the small print. Most of this stuff is covered there. Now everything was supposed to be good and it was, for the first week.

After the second week I received my old original number. Up until that time I was given a temporary #. When calling a number, the connection was bad but that did not happen often (though more than once). One night about midnight, E.S.T. the phone was not able to be used. Kept getting a "phone is not registered message" or something similar. That lasted for about 2.5 hours. Voicemail was also not put on the original order, yes something that should have been done and was asked for by me. To be fair though, it was not "caught" by me when the Customer Svc. reviewed my initial order.

A possible problem could very well be a language issue (ever try to call a bank after hours to get something done. Can you say, India)? So now to the present day. In researching the pros and cons after the fact (isn't hindsight grand), I have heard/read about too many possible/questionable and problematic issues that others have encountered, not just my own and not only from the internet.

I will be cancelling my order today (23 Nov 15, which is 1 day before the 30 day trial period ends) and will be interested in finding out if some of the rumours about your company are in fact true or not. There should be a refund or such, put into my bank account to the tune of $200 ($50. refundable home phone device, $75. refundable internet device or modem and the $75. refundable security payment).

If that amount is refunded to me then that will give COMWAVE a seemingly much needed boost/positive feedback from a cancelling, yet satisfied customer. By that amount not being put in/credited to my bank account or something similar, that too will speak volumes about your company. Trusting your action in this matter, a for now somewhat skeptical customer.

Company Response 03/31/2016:

Hi Dave, We appreciate your feedback very much and I am sorry to hear about your experience. We try to make customer service our top priority. If you have any other concerns, please feel free to email us at or private message us on Facebook.

Worst Company I Have Ever Dealt With
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Rating: 1/51

Crowsnest Pass, Alberta Canada. During the first week of October 2019 spent a total of 6 hours over 3 days on the phone with "Kathy" from the sales department. She finally convinced me that their service was every bit as good as the service I was currently with but much cheaper and included all the channels we now had. (I named off the really important ones.)

Price was $3.00 less than current service per month, (inc. Tax) 6 months free. (Usually 3 upfront and three on the back end of three year contract but she would give me all upfront to show the savings. 1 month free trial before contract started to see if you like it. Arranged for Activation not to start until Oct. 16th. Then I find out there is a $95.00 Activation fee. I pay for equipment to be shipped out, I pay upfront for all TV boxes, and modems, which she said would only be $70.00 ea due to good Credit rating. 3 items @ $70.00 each ($210.00) would be refunded when /if I cancelled.

Activation day, called "Camille" who could only help with phone hook up. She transferred my phone number from current company. I was not told that the phone had to plug directly into Modem, which is in a different room. Current service is wireless. We get through the activation only to find out that 3 of our most-watched channels are missing. I called "Kathy" in sales back and took this up with her. She tried to say but you get this channel and all of these channels. Most of them French which I don't speak or understand. Finally she said she would add the three channels. Then we find out that Showcase is not in HD so we call customer service. They don't have that capability yet.

Also having trouble with the remotes. One has to be pointed directly at the box within three feet, the other looked old and was hit and miss for working. They said we could save favorite channels but on the second channel, the whole system froze up every time we tried. Took 2 days to have them agree to send another remote and then they wanted to charge again for shipping. Also found they did not have any real music channels, only Youtube apps and if we wanted to get to Netflix we had to set that up all different. They didn't have that capability.

After another couple of days of running around the house to get the phone and struggling to get both channel changers to change channels without having to get up and cross the floor as we did in the '70s, we had enough. Then I noticed an invoice in my email for $248.23 (Oct 24). I called to cancel everything, (free within thirty days) and was told the invoice was a mistake, it would be reversed. (As of today, Nov. 6 - it has not been reversed). Also checked my Credit Card to find 2 charges. Oct 24th for $248.23 and 1 for Oct 25th 52.50.

Then I get an Invoice through email (Oct. 26 for 1 modem and 8 TV devices @$95.00 each if not returned in 30 days. Another of these came on Oct 31 for VOIP device $95.00 (Assuming Remote) if not returned with 30 days. All equipment including 3rd Remote was picked up by UPS on October 28th and proof of delivery on Oct 31, 2019. Received by "David". Total shipping charge to me was $73.00.

Oct. 26, 2019, when I called and spoke to "Hector" regarding charges to my credit card he admitted that $248.23 was a mistake and would be reimbursed, but they could not do anything about the $52.50. I asked what this was for? He said it was an Admin fee for having the phone number transferred back to my previous supplier. I argued, demanding they reimburse this charge as I was not told about this anywhere in any conversations.

Hector, redirected my call to his supervisor "Robert" who informed me that it was clearly stated in the "Terms & Conditions" and I must have agreed to them. At no time during any of my conversations with these people was I ever referred to the Terms & Conditions or where to find them. COMWAVE is about 10 years behind in their Technology. They Lie! They omit several issues that will cost YOU - the customer. The six months free is not free, it will be eaten up with all the charges they add on or don't tell you about.

Comwave Service, From Canada.
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Rating: 1/51

CALGARY AB CANADA. -- I was tired of overpayment to internet provider who seem to actually be arrogant as they control matters through systems even if you object. I saw the Comwave advertisement and thought I would give them a chance and try something different. At the time I was offered a possibility of Low-Income payments via a Canadian company. When I first contacted Comwave they said they would give me a 10% discount as a way of meeting or beating other offers. I mentioned to them I did not want to go under a contract. They did a lot of fancy tap dancing around and said to give them a chance and if not happy I could cancel a sort of contract. I only wanted unlimited data service and no phone service. They made mention to it was free service.

Again they tap danced around. Something about free phone connection. Never explaining a sort of mandatory 911 calling deal. So I guess the phone service was free but was paying instead for other matters? Still not fully understood. I had difficulties right away, with dropped internet connection, notices of limited or monitored service, again not understood, as I was told I would receive unlimited data and high-speed internet. Not, they would interrupt or cut me off, say my internet was being monitored. I had difficulties with Netflix and connections and disconnect so two services together was causing difficulties.

I was advised by Netflix to ask Comwave to hard start the services and Comwave did not do what I requested. They instead had me do my own repairs on my end which still did not fix matters. When I called back within the noted time so as not to go under contract, they kept saying it was fixed when it was not. Which put me over my testing period. I thought they would fix and they never fixed it. I tried to make contact and contact info was stupid. I found only texting worked. Texts sent back and forth again a lot of bs and nothing achieved. I tried to disconnect on my account and was not able too either.

Finally I gave notice I was switching over to another company. They still would not acknowledge my disconnect saying I had to phone numbers I could not get through to most times. Back and forth with nothing being solved. When I finally got through I was kept on hold or otherwise literally for three hours. I they gave me a speech about let's work our way through this as we do not want to be out of pocket at xmas for to pay off bill owing because of disconnect. Which in the end ran me 448.00 just to disconnect.

I am a low income elderly woman on disability, so now I shall have no xmas. Plus they would not let me pay in installments till paid off. Plus they would not give me a number to give to my bank to put a stop to withdrawals. And or automatic cash withdrawal. They would not give me a contact person in billing to deal with this issue. They have no problem now emailing me bill and or return address for parts they sent via mail, yet would not deal with my other emails telling me to phone. I would not suggest anyone to go under Comwave. They are out of country and are just the same as they advertise being different from.

StarEmpty StarEmpty StarEmpty StarEmpty StarBy -
Rating: 1/51

I was 6 years with this company and at first it was too good to be true. A phone service at less than half price from Bell and with all the bells and whistles that other major company charge extra for. And on top of everything 3 months free to start! Wow what ** that was! To start the telephone line needs a modem box to connect to the Internet and that cost $50 as a deposit but refundable (but not in my case as you will see after 6 years of service). Upon accepting the contract by phone I was told that we could keep our Bell phone number.

After talking to the service person I was told that Bell would not release our number; because our Internet provider is not local we had to accept a new number that was not local. That meant long distance charges when calling my neighbor 100 feet away and vice versa. Also the 911 service does not recognize the VOIP signal as it does not specify the home location. One must identify the address upon calling 911. After numerous malfunction of the service such as call hang ups for no reason or static in the line or echo sounds or no signal from phone line or no ring when others call or busy signal when line is not being used they sent us a new modem to remedy the problems. Still after a new modem the incidents reoccurred.

After numerous calls to the tech department they came to the conclusion that our Internet provider was at fault. Cogeco sent a technician to check the « pocket loss » that Comwave said was the problem. The technician was thorough to verify all connections and assured that the Cogeco system was problem free and he said that it was a common solution for a VOIP provider such as Comwave to blame the Internet provider. Following the Internet verification problems still happened.

Our 3 year contract was due to renew and after complaining to Comwave for the umpteen time they said they would grant me 3 free months for our problems. I accepted as now our family and friends had our new number in their speed dial and it was difficult to let our land line go. To my surprise the system seemed to run problem free for the next year. Spoke too soon as the problems started up again. No signal upon dialing, busy signal when others call etc... After our second term it's now 6 years to the date and I called to cancel the service. The operator did not have the authorization to cancel so another 30 minutes waiting I talked to her supervisor to cancel and even then they did not want to lose me as a customer.

Because they gave me 3 free months when I complained my new contract was now extended by 3 months. This is where I lost my $50 deposit on the modem that was installed. I needed to return at my cost the modem and wait for a confirmation that they received the item in its original box and all the wires and info included. I got the confirmation but because I stopped my contract early I was not allowed the $50 refund. I did not argue as I'm now free of the rotten service they provide and we don't get frustrated when a call ends for no reason. Since then we are now equipped with cell phones and more than happy to be relieved of our land line. PLEASE DON'T SUBSCRIBE TO COMWAVE AS THEY ARE NOT RELIABLE AND NOT TRUE TO THEIR WORD.

Fraudulent Behavior by Comwave
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Rating: 1/51

OSHAWA -- My name is Bonita **. In February 2018 I decided to switch from Bell to Comwave. When the representative came out to set me up I was told not to contact Bell regarding the switch of services. In good faith I said "OK". The switch never happened. I tried to straighten it out with Comwave several times. I had to wait for hours for a representative to help me through this whole thing. Several calls were made. During some calls I couldn't wait anymore after waiting for 45 minutes to an hour in some cases. My work is extremely demanding. I just don't have time for this.

At one point a representative said that I had not filled out the transfer request properly so we did it together. I thought that was it, that the problem was solved the problem, but not so despite the fact that once again I was cautioned not to call Bell, so I didn't.

Since February I have been paying two bills, one from Comwave and one from Bell. The billing never did stop from Bell. I have been paying two bills every since I signed up with Comwave. Finally I took matters in my own hands and phoned Bell to talk with them about the switch. They told me they had received no information about switching the internet and TV but that they did get notification from Comwave to switch the phone lines. Bell told me to contact Comwave to sort it out. I came down with the flu so I did not contact Comwave for a few days. Then yesterday my internet went down and my TV was disconnected.

There was a nasty note on my computer on the interface from Comwave saying that my credit card declined this months billing. So now my TV is not working and my internet is also not working. What was really disturbing is that even though my internet was down a Comwave notice about the non-payment of my bill was on my computer's interface preventing me from using my computer at all. (This happened when there was no internet up at all.) When I tried to get it off my screen I couldn't.

During the first week of May, I contacted Bell, once again they confirmed that at no time did they ever get a request from Comwave for internet and TV services to be switched. Bell offered to take back the phone line, I said yes. I did not contact Comwave to let them know I was not going to use their services right away as I was ill. I was mistaken as to how much was left on my credit card and I had no idea it had declined until Bell reinstated my TV and internet enabling me to access my email notices. It is hard to believe that my services would be cut off when I was paying for two service providers for months. It is ironic to say the least.

I am going to try and recoup my money from Comwave. This is a very shady outfit to say the least. I don't think I have a choice but to honor Comwave's last billing otherwise they will make sure they damage my credit. I have read many similar complaints about Comwave over the last little while. Many of them quite similar. I guess it is not surprising that when you contact the Comwave head office no one ever answers. My next step is the Better Business Bureau.

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