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Never Received 3rd Month Free as Promised - SCAM
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Rating: 1/51

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA -- We went in this store at the end of this past March to sign up for 3 lines of service. We chose to leave Verizon due to the affordable monthly costs. Upon signing up we were promised the 3rd month would be free. This was their big promotion. After spending $700 on phones, cases, the month of service the third month came. When we called customer service close to our due date they said the store had to apply the credit. Then we call the store and they said no customer service has to.

A few days later we call customer service again they said we were not eligible for the 3rd month free. They stated that we were not put on the correct plan to qualify. Ok we were the customer and it was not our fault that the person offering us this promo was not aware of Crickets terms. They told us that they were never informed by corporate that they had to put new customers on a certain rate plan to be eligible. Then I was told that 4 other customers got scammed by this as well.

Calling customer service is a joke. You're talking to someone in a foreign country who has such a strong accent you can't even understand a word they are saying. After countless attempts by the store manager and another employee on chat with a supervisor it was still denied. They told me "sorry we tried". So I gave up and just paid over $100 for the month I was initially promised would be FREE!

I will continue to stay with Cricket for only 2 reasons- Better reception & lower monthly bill. Just stop making offers and promises you won't be able to keep to your customers. I know the manager and the employee did make a good effort to try to resolve this but at the same time I am out over $100 not getting this promotion I was promised. Not a good way to do business. Beware of these offers that sound too good to be true. One mistake during the sign up process can cost you!

Nokia Lumia 1320 (The Phablet)
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Rating: 1/51

I went to Cricket store in June of 2014 and picked up the phablet and new windows phone. Well the first phone I was given the screen went black in 3 days. That phone was replaced at the store level because it was in 3 days. I was given a second phone everything was fine till 3 weeks later now the phone won't charge at all.

Now this is where the ALL THE FUN BEGINS remember I got the phone through a credit program called YBUY which allows you to make payments on whatever phone you want to purchase. If you pay your phone off within 3 months you don't get any additional charges and no tax will be charged to your checking account. Well this phone has a orange back that can be taken off to make a long story short NOKIA won't replace my because the plastic case on the back is cracked. I even asked them just to replace my phone and I would keep the cracked back on the phone. But I was told no because they consider this as damage even though I have a year's warranty on the phone.

CRICKET INSURANCE WANTS ME TO PAY THEM $130.00 for the deductible of my phone which is non-refundable even if the reason for the phone not working has nothing to do with me. Wait for and the phone may not be a new phone lol whenever you call cricket's customer service either the supervisor is in a meeting or they don't have one. I haven't even had this phone 6 months boy I sure love this customer service I'm getting and I've been paying my bills on time for what NOW I DON'T HAVE A PHONE AND I'M SHORT $279.00 DOLLARS. SO I'M BLOGGING EVERYWHERE ABOUT CRICKET AND YBUY AND NOKIA.

AT&T Has Run Cricket Into The Ground
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Rating: 1/51

BUFFALO, NEW YORK -- Ever since AT&T has taken over Cricket cellular there has been several call drops per hour. My whole family and all of my friends have switched to more reliable companies. I've dealt with Cricket for 10 years and the last time I experienced a dropped call with them was 10 years ago when they were first getting established. Now, since AT&T has taken over it's been awful. First, they require you to dial your area code when making local calls and that is very time consuming, especially during emergencies as the calls also drop on you continuously through out the day.

No other cellular company requires you to dial your area code for local calls. Also, I cannot even comfortably explore the web without the service being lost repeatedly. Cricket use to be a very reliable and prompt service provider before this illegitimate company brought them out. Besides in Buffalo, NY, we've stopped using AT&T for our communication needs when the home phone service failed and was discontinued. We definitely aren't too fond of their ridiculous cellular tricks either. I wish the original owners of Cricket would buy the company back. They used to be so well established.

Customer Service and Billing
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Rating: 1/51

CENTERVILLE, OHIO -- I've been Cricket customer since 2002, service was excellent then, now it's awful! I had over extended my checking account and asked Cricket if they could give me a one day extension. Well I found out my bill was due on that day anyway, but according to the customer service rep, it was Cricket's policy to take the money two days ahead! I asked him "what are you talking about?" And he kept say "according to terms and conditions" that according to him I signed (which I never did, since I never signed anything for Cricket since 2002!). I'm dropping them. I never authorized early payment and I won't put up with rude service!

Horrible Customer Service, Was Told Plan Would Work, Did Not, No Refund Given.
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Rating: 1/51

RIVA, MARYLAND -- Long story short, I had an old Cricket phone and I wanted to activate a temporary plan for traveling. I walked through steps with customer representative and double checked each step of the way. Was told my phone was compatible and plan would work. When I purchased it, turns out it was not compatible and it did not work.

I called for a refund and couldn't get anyone on the phone. Had to use the chat and they only told me they don't give refunds and to call corporate. I called corporate and they repeated that they can't do anything since they give no refunds no matter what. It was their mistake and they basically cheated me out of my money. I will never use them again.

Unauthorized Use of Debit Card
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Rating: 1/51

I usually buy the pre-paid cards for my wireless internet service, but could not find any at Walmart in October 2013. I called the company to try to put it on my bank card, (as I had a few times before), but there were not sufficient funds there. I went to the bank, cleared the negative, went to Homeland and reloaded a Visa card specifically to used to turn my service back on. After I made the payment online, I could not get into my account, as my password would not work.

I called the company.. I buy the 45 dollar monthly service. Speaking with a young lady, she said they had a plan that if I should use all megabytes before the month was up, I could pay a dollar at a time from my funds available. When I logged into my account, I saw a five dollar credit. I had only approved the forty-five. As I kept checking my account on the Visa card, I noticed they had not yet taken their money out. Attempting to make a purchase at the store, the sale was not approved. I called the Visa company and was told, since I had not used the pre-pay card in over a year, they put a block on it. The block was removed within a couple of hours.

I tried to call Cricket to see if the block was the reason they had not removed their money, or if it takes several days to receive their money. Well, from that day on, I could not get anyone on the phone. It would say no one was available to take my call. I kept calling using everything on their menu, to no avail. On the 3rd of October, I called my bank to see how much was there after my SSI check was deposited. I had a 76 dollar and change in the negative. They said Cricket had taken the money from my bank. I explained that I gave them my Visa reload card information to use. Apparently they ran into the block and took it upon themselves to just take it from my bank.

I had gone to the bank on the 15th to make sure October 3 would come to my account with no negatives.. I made many attempts to call Cricket with no response other than no one there to assist me, or they could not make the call complete and hung up. I used a number they had to buy something and finally talked to a real human.

The man looked at my account and said I authorized the payment on my bank card. I did not. I explained to him I had used the Visa prepaid. He asked if the overcharge of five dollars was the only complaint I had. I asked to speak to someone higher than him and waited on the phone a long time before someone answered. I explained all the happenings to her and she also said I approved it. I told her I had proof.

If they continue lying, I would be more than happy to let a representative come here and view my hard drive. Their attitude was nasty and I explained to the bank what happened. I was able to get money for rent, groceries, and medicine, but my next check would have to be used to cover the huge overdraft. I was excited about my October 3rd check because there would be not overdraft to pay.

Cricket messed that up and now refuses to put my money back in the account. Since it was a SSI check, I will notify them and also offer to let them see my hard drive. I hope they will investigate. The lady from Cricket said they would do no refunds, but she would remove my bank card number so this would not happen again. I asked her not to remove it until my bank and SSI looked into the matter, but they quickly removed it anyway. To me it sounds as if they indeed know they used the card.

Cricket Issues
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Late Saturday (4/24/10) I purchased a cell phone and air card from the Cricket store in Cary, NC. The total bill was around $379. I was told (and in writing) that my monthly bill would be $88. I didn't get the chance to try their coverage on Sunday (4/25/10). On Monday morning (4/26/10) the problems began. The air card was soooooo slow. I also received a txt from Cricket saying my bill that was due on 5/24/10 was for $105. I called Cricket's “customer disservice” number and spoke with someone.

She insisted that I only paid $346 on Saturday (4/24/10), and that my bill really is $105. I told her I had the receipt in front of me as well as the written amount of the total bill of $88 from the store. That went nowhere. I packaged everything and went back to the store where I made the purchase. They told me “not to worry about what Cricket sent me.” They said Cricket has “internal problems and that text was not correct.” I must have a telephone in my type of business.

I do not have time to deal with a company this these internal issues. The speed as well as the signal coverage was poor and I was not willing to risk leaving T-Mobile; especially with this type of poor service. I've been with Suncom/T-Mobile for 8 years and have never had these problems. I'm not saying T-Mobile is the best. It really depends on where you live and work that determines the best coverage for you.

Today (4/26/10), Cricket refused to give me my full refund. They kept $33 for activation fee and only gave me $346.27 back. I suggest avoiding Cricket at this time. If they can manage to stay in business long enough to resolve their internal billing issues, maybe they will be okay. For now, I suggest avoiding them. If anyone knows how I can get my $33 back from Cricket, please let me know. I don't want that company to have a dime of my money.

Suspended Account
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Rating: 1/51

HIGHLANDS RANCH, COLORADO -- I've been with Cricket since December of 2015 and I've encountered so many problems. I paid my first phone bill 45.00 with 5 dollar credit. Then in January phone bill is paid 50.00 then they shut my phone off in the middle of nowhere. Then I have to pay $61.67 to get it turned back on and then I pay February bill 45.00 and then now they want $78.00. Cricket really I'm going to end up leaving.

Cheap Service-Pathetic Customer Service-Try To Con Customers
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TENNESSEE -- Detailed rating: service quality: poor; customer service: poor; overall value: good; experience: pros: reasonable cost, no prob with reception for me. cons: dirty dealings. Do you research, get proof. And don't back down - I got my way, many others caved... Read on if you need replacement phone and do what I did, you will save 75% off price.

Summary: my phone was cheap, couldn't make contact w/ charger after 3 months. I looked for better phone. One I liked (new) with 1 yr warranty when bought through Cricket cost 179.99 Plus 15.00+Tx. I went to Best Buy, same phone 39.99, and they offer 2 yr renewable replacement plan for 9.99. Just to play it safe, I went online spoke on chat, they told me no prob with buying at Best Buy. Just have to pay activation of 15.00. Sounded great, so I did and lo and behold I get home call Cricket to active, they tell me open the package to read serial number, suddenly they say "oh can't do it, that's a pay as you go."

I said, I spoke to representative online told in detail which phone I was buying they said no prob. They wouldn't do it. I was pissed as hell, could have returned phone for refund but decided why miss this deal that would save 75% plus offer me 2 yr warranty, with ability to renew verses their crap ** 1yr warranty. So I went back online, went to chat again, repeated same words, got same answer, no problem.

I took screen shot of conversation. Went to Cricket store. They gave me crap. Saying can't be done. Have to open new account then after a month you can put on your existing plan. I said "why," they said its not made for that type of service. I said "what, in a month it magically becomes possible?" I refused to cave, then took out the proof from website, woman said, "well they are wrong." I said "well too bad, it's the same company. Now either give me a logical explanation why this can't be done, and get me same phone from your supply and add it, or add this one now."

They got manager, who quickly obliged me, even leaving out the 15.00 fee to activate phone. It pays to get the facts, and have it on paper, and they will still argue. Don't give in, and show up 15 min. before store closes, they all want to go home. They do this stuff intentionally to make more money, don't let them get away with it. I read many reviews with people who had same issue, each one caved.

So do what I did, get your phone at Best Buy. Get yourself a 2 yr warranty for 9 dollars, renewable, save yourself 75% of your money, and go in with proof. So go have a nice chat online and take pic of your screen. If you don't know how search web, the download is free for software to make screen shots. Good luck and get them good, they deserve it for being so underhanded. Freakin cons.

Refusal To Provide Refund
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Rating: 1/51

TAMPA, FLORIDA -- CRICKET SEEMS TO THINK THAT BECAUSE THE EXTREMELY SMALL PRINT IN THE CONTRACT SAYS that they do not give refunds that is ok. Stealing is never ok, failing to provide prorated refunds is criminal, and Cricket is taking millions of dollars that does not belong to them.

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65 reviews & complaints.
Contact Information:
575 Morosgo Dr NE
Atlanta, GA 30324
1-800-CRICKET (274-2 (ph)
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