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Unreasonable Upcharges and Filthy Results
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Rating: 1/51

INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA -- STOP! Don't use this service!! It is a rip off! I had the $49.95 add. They worked on the vents and told me it would be extra to clean the return. This was clearly included in the ad. He used different verbiage to make it sound like it was something else. On the estimate he charged for two mains when I only have one. He said he would include the sanitizing solution to clean mold, bacteria etc. He didn't even remove the filter during the process, which became caked with dust 3 inches thick.

A massive ball of just had to be pulled out after I pulled out my filter. I reached in my bathroom vent and pulled out the largest dust ball I've seen in my life! Pictures speak louder than words. I have included the after photos that you don't see in the ads. The pictures include the intake, the bathroom vent and the air filter.

Company Response 04/07/2015:

We at Indy Air Care are deeply disappointed in your
negative review. As you know, you already contacted
our company. We listened to your complaints and
acknowledged that they were valid. You also know that
we scheduled a new appointment with you to re-clean
your system and correct any deficiency. If you review the coupon you will notice it clearly states what is covered in
the offer. Anything beyond that is the option of customer
to have done. We did only what you approved. Sorry that you wanted to bash us,even though we were willing to resolve your issues

Air Duct Cleaning / New Heating and Air Conditioning
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Rating: 1/51

INDIANAPOLIS -- My wife and I purchased our home in 2008 (built in 2002). We had to have a capacitor replaced on our ac unit but other than that we had no issues. We called Indy Air Care in late 2010 to take advantage of the 39.95 coupon for them to clean our air ducts and our dryer vent we thought was clogged.

When they got there they told us our heating and ac unit wasn't working properly and was going bad. Us not knowing any better, we didn't get another opinion and purchased a new heater and ac unit through them. The unit I had was 2.5 ton and they sold us a 2 ton. I explained to them it was smaller than what we had and they replied that "the newer units were more energy efficient and could do the same work as the bigger unit", so we said "ok". They agreed to lifetime warranty on new heat pump and 10 year parts warranty on all other parts.

They do not have heat/ac unit installers so they sub contracted this work out. They also don't have these units and got us the do it yourself Goodman unit. The install went fine and when we went to check the filter the track was bent. We called the company and they sent a guy out to "fix it", this involved him bending the track back as best he could but it still catches. We had them tell us that we had to buy the filters through them as no one made the size we needed (lie).

Well now we are having issues with our unit and are having to run emergency heat due to heat pump not working. We called another company out to have them do maintenance on the unit. Upon arrival the guy inspected our unit and told us that the refrigerant was so low it was almost non existent, and that this would only happen if the system had a leak as its a sealed system and should never lose refrigerant. He also told us the reversing valve was seized up. I called Indy Air Care and spoke with a ** and explained to her what the other tech said about the refrigerant, to which she said "well you always have to charge the unit. It runs out of Freon" (lie).

She then put me on hold for about 5 minutes until she found our paperwork. She gets back on the phone and says "I'm going to have one of our tech come out and look at your unit you purchased through us". I said "that's fine", seeing how I had the warranties. Well the next day I received a call from ** and he left a message stating he was with customer service for Indy Air Care. I called him back and expressed my concern with our unit and he said he would have his tech call us and set up an appt.

The tech called me Friday and set up an appt. on Monday. He called Monday and my wife answered on speakerphone and he stated he was on his way. When they got there they checked everything and told me the reversing valve was stuck and that could give a false reading saying we were out of refrigerant (lie), and that he tried to charge the system and it didn't register what he put in. Then he tells me that it would cost around $1200 to repair the system, or Indy Air Care would offer me some credit toward them putting in a new system.

I told him "I would have to check with the boss (wife) since she handles all the paperwork". He said "that's fine" and today would only cost $65 for what he had done. To this I was taken aback, I told him he would have to contact Indy Air Care about that because I have warranty and what not. He said he told my wife that it would be a cash service call (lie). I told him he did no such thing and I was sitting there the whole conversation on speakerphone, but to make sure I didn't mishear I called my wife and asked her but I already knew the answer.

I told him he would have to take that up with IAC, to which he told me he doesn't work for them but is sub-contracted and he drove 50 miles. I told him I understand that but not one time was it mentioned that it would cost. He eventually left without payment. I immediately called IAC and spoke with a ** that was the receptionist manager and he was the only one there apparently at 4:00 pm on a Monday. I expressed all my issues and concerns, he told me he would pass on my info to someone else.

The next day I got a call from ** only this time he claimed to be an intermediary and that he doesn't work for IAC at all but was asked to look at this and give an outside perspective on it. I explained to him in depth my issues and that I had a warranty, to which his reply was "we don't know who ** (their tech in their uniform) was but he had not right to put that you have a warranty on paper and it's not worth the ink its written on, and we don't have your paperwork on file".

He also stated that the company was bought out 2 years ago and they have nothing to do with the previous contracts, and that I need to contact Goodman about replacement parts and that Goodman may cover the labor cost as well. He told me I purchased the unit through Goodman and I told him "no I bought an IAC unit and had IAC install it", and they are the ones who sold it. His response was "no need to get smart sir".

We went back and forth for awhile and he told me it wasn't their unit and the lady I spoke to the week before (**) was 500 miles away and she didn't know what she was talking about and she was 500 miles away at their corporate office. He admitted that any other company that did all the work, would call the manufacture and take care of it. I told him that I would be taking the next step and having my lawyer contact them.

After I got off the phone with **, I immediately called IAC and got ** again. I asked her how long they had been in business, 10 years. I asked if they have had the same owner the whole time, "Yes, we've had the same owner for 10 years. His name is Toby Tobin". I asked if they were locally owned and operated and if they had a corporate office. She answered with "We are locally owned and operated and have a corporate office here in Indianapolis". I asked her if they had any other offices out of state and she said they didn't.

After I hung up with her I called ** back and told him I just spoke with ** and she stated they had the same owner for 10 years and they are in fact local and do not have any other offices outside of the Indy area. to this he laughed and said, "She isn't in the loop". I told him I was not dealing with this anymore and I would be contacting a lawyer and the attorney general's office. So in closing I would tell anyone considering anything from Indy Air Care… DON'T!!! THEY WILL TRY AND SCAM YOU AND WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU AND LIE TO YOU ABOUT IT!

Air Duct Cleaning
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Rating: 1/51

INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA -- The technicians just left our home and left it in a mess! They were here to clean the ducts on a $49.00 special and I knew it would be more as I have 6 return ducts, but the estimate was $579.00 just to clean, not counting all the add-ons that came to a total of over $1300.00. They didn't leave the estimate with me when I refused to accept their bait and switch services.

I know our system is dirty and needs to be cleaned and I also know that $49.00 was just a get-in-the-door price, but a difference between $49.00 and $579.00 is ludicrous. In addition, they left our closet in a mess! They were well aware we had a lot of insulation in our attic so when they got up in the attic they didn't cover anything! We will be cleaning insulation out of our clothes for weeks. There was insulation on the floor, shelves, everywhere!

There has to be honest and conscientious company out there that performs duct cleaning at a reasonable price and will not leave the house looking like a snow storm hit the house. Indy Air Care is NOT that company. I suggest you avoid Indy Air Care and find someone else to clean your air ducts.

Air Duct Cleaning -- What a Scam
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Rating: 1/51

INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA -- As soon as the guy from Indy Air Care started talking we knew it was a scam. He didn't clean a thing because he said after flashing his light in one vent there was mold present. He said it wasn't safe for his workers to do anything but his uncle could replace all the ductwork for $1,100.00. My husband knew what was up and made a comment about doing the work himself. The guy's response, "You have to know exactly where to place the zip ties." Unbelievable!! We got them out of the house as soon as possible!!! Do not waste your time!!

Not Professional
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Rating: 1/51

PLAINFIELD, INDIANA -- They have canceled on us 2x and thank God... I've read the reviews. Nope, not falling for this company. Sorry to those who got scammed.

Total Scam Artists Plus They Broke My Geothermal System
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Rating: 1/51

INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA -- I received a coupon in the mail for air duct cleaning for $44.95 for 2 weeks only. I called them and scheduled an appointment with them. I was told they would arrive earlier in the day however they didn't show until 4:30. I was told that since my home was so large that the special wouldn't cover my entire home. I told them only to clean the vents on the first floor but was told they couldn't do that.

After they started the job I was told that I had a mold problem in the crawl space and they could spray to remove the problem. They told me that the cost would be $1000.00. Then the technician told me that he could install a UV light to prevent any further problems. Of course he already had one in his vehicle and he told me that he could install the light for $600.00.

I should've known at that point that something was wrong when he told me that I would have write the check out to him! This job was done in summer of 2013 when we were having extreme heat. After they left my air conditioning wasn't working. I called the company the next day (Saturday morning) to complain. I was told to call a local company to diagnose the problem which I did.

The local company told me that they had punctured hole in the coil which is an expensive part for a geothermal system. I was without air conditioning for the next 6 weeks. Indy Air finally agreed to let me have the system repaired by a local company. I had to fight with them to pay the local company to diagnose the problem and also the company that finally resolved the problem. Indy Air was even so bold to pay only 1/2 of the repair cost before they completely paid the bill. Then I had to fight with them to pay the company that diagnosed the problem.

I ended up paying that bill and to fight with them to get a refund. When the check finally came it was $30 short. So tired of dealing with this company that I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. In as little as 20 minutes I received a nasty phone call from their customer service manager that I didn't need to do that. I told him I was sick and tired of their shenanigans and they're lucky I didn't take them to court. Beware of their air duct cleaning special for $44.95 for 2 weeks only!

Total Waste of a Morning Off of Work!
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Rating: 1/51

INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA -- I had an appointment with Indy Air Care today, they were over an hour late and smelled like cigarettes so badly that when they left I had to spray Lysol in my home! They tore my furnace apart and told me mold was growing in there badly which conveniently I was too short to see for myself. When my husband came home from work he took a look for himself and said it was not as bad as I had made it sound on the phone.

They then went through my house turning my furnace vents upside down and then brought a very, very dusty shop vac into my home and swept them off for me and left a trail of dust and tree leaves in my living room & hallway.

Once this was done, they both went outside and sat in their un-marked company vehicle and when they returned they had a quote for an entire system cleaning with a UV light included for over $800.00. I told him I would have to discuss with my husband and then politely turned him down and told him that we only wanted to have the ducts cleaned for the $39.95 that we had made the appointment for.

Then he proceeded to tell me that if I would let him do all of the work, he would take off 15% as long as I promised to hand out their business cards. Again, I told him no and he then told me that his boss said that they could offer me a few of the items on the list at no cost if I would let them do all of the work. I again told them no so the technician went back to my basement, put my furnace back together and was rather rude for the rest of the visit. Both Indy Air Care employees asked to use my restroom which was fine but the man must have gone in there over 5 times in a 1 1/2 hour visit - I am not certain what he was doing in there but that was pretty unprofessional.

They also forgot a trash bag so I had to provide one and when they were finished, they left their mess for me to clean up. Not real impressed with this company & I wish that I had read review before I let these people into my home. My advice, research the company before they enter your home and be prepared to feel like you are being pressured for services that you do not really need - I have been researching the things that they were going to do to our system all afternoon and that is all stuff that my husband is able to do - for free.

Not Impressed
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INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA -- Same crap different day and a different "client". Saw an ad for Indy Air Care, "Ductwork cleaning $39.95, extended this week only". I gave them a call and asked the woman that answered the phone, "What's the catch"? She said "no catch", so I made an appointment. The woman said Friday morning between 8 & 10 am, and I scheduled some time off of my job for the morning. He showed up at 10 am. In a Blazer with no company logo, and an air compressor and a "HEPA" vacuum. NOT IMPRESSED.

As this isn't my first big rodeo, I watched as the guy took the sheet metal off the bottom of my furnace (plenum I believe it's called) and exposed the AC coil, and the warm air runs in the bottom of my furnace. He told me "ummm Miss, you have a problem here, I see BLACK MOLD". Well, I'm sure he did, as well as I did, but I have seen more mold in my refrigerator, for the love of all that's holy.

The guy was pleasant enough, told me a little about himself and proceeded to hook up the vacuum. Still I was NOT IMPRESSED, and after about two hours of him being here, going from room to room turning the registers upside down, which I still think is a pretty lame way of vacuuming dust from the heat runs, and taking the filter from the top (return) and using tape to seal the opening, and then asking for a garbage bag because he "forgot one"... NOT IMPRESSED!

I wound up having to take the rest of the day off waiting on a serviceman for the furnace since now my A-coil is leaking all over the floor, and being told I have mold all over my house and that it might be what's causing my menopausal symptoms, headaches, eye itch, rash, etc. For a mere $2033.75, I could be relieved of this horrific mold problem. The dark colored area of my 20+ yr old carpeting along the baseboards, "MOLD" he said. I don't think so, it's 3 cats, a dog and smokers in my home. Pretty sure a reputable carpet cleaning company could cure that.

I'm glad I'm only out the $39.95 - but I haven't gotten the bill yet from my Heating and Air company and I'm still waiting on them to get here. Last one on the list I guess. Call someone else to come out and clean your ductwork, don't waste your time unless you like someone trying to scare the bejesus out of you.

Indy Air Care, Do Not Use This Scam
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INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA -- I am sending this review from my parents experience and my personal experience with Indy Air Care. My parents had these folks come out to clean their air ducts and ended up with a health threatening issue that started out at approx. $6000 and ended up "discounted" to approx. $1400. My mother was not happy, was not satisfied with the answers she was getting from the "salesman". She asked that her check, which they required full payment up front, be returned and cancel the project.

She went through multiple phone calls which ended in arguments, from the "salesman". He finally told her he would be out on Labor Day at 0800 to give her check back and cancel the job. He finally showed up at approx. 0845. He had another company person with him and again another song and dance was given.

I was there to support my mother so she felt a little more comfortable. The "salesman" took this as a threat and referred to me as a "tough guy" and perceived me as a threat. I was asking questions and listening to his smart mouth, while he was addressing my mother. I did respond a few times to his unprofessional manner, I had just had enough of listening to him. I was told a few times that I did not know anything about the issues at hand.

Whether someone knows about the issue or not this was a very unprofessional approach to take to solve this issue. In my opinion this was very simple, he should have shown up on time, returned the check and left. This eventually happened but not before running his mouth and eventually telling me that I had his phone number as he left. I took this as a challenge or threat. Please if you consider having your ductwork cleaned save yourself much grief and call another company.

Indy Air Care, the Old Bait and Switch Scam
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INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA -- I read the bad reviews on INDY AIR CARE but decided to try them anyway, being forewarned. The scam works like this. Coupon for $49.95 or $59.95 etc for duct cleaning. 14 vents and a few returns and 1 main. The whole purpose of this is to get in your door and within an hour they will be recommending the FULL cleaning for $595. When you refuse they call 'the boss' and say "CANNOT WE HELP THESE PEOPLE OUT". Well of course 'the boss' tells the tech they have a SPECIAL just since they are here anyway and for like $395 they can do it… that sort of thing.

Then they warn you if you DON'T do it they won't guarantee their work and you have to sign papers that your house might still be dusty etc etc. They really do hook up a vacuum to your furnace by cutting a HOLE in your ductwork (which they patch before leaving. That's legit but you still end up with a big patch on your main line). Of course they never hook it up to the return air side. THAT'S EXTRA and they only do 1-2 returns and surprise… they only stir up dust in those with their air hose 'tails' that whip around in the vent. Well without the vacuum pulling on the return line… it just makes things dusty.

So it's a cheap half ass job to get in the door and try and sell you a ripoff cleaning of $595 when in truth, they could quickly do the other main lines and returns with the vacuum on the return side of furnace for just double the time they already spent. So if $50 was good enough for 1 hours work, they should be willing to do the rest of the work for another $50 or do the whole job for say $150 and they'd make plenty of money and be done in 2 hours in your typical 2,000 sq ft home.

I probably should file a complaint with the state attorney general office for essentially false or misleading advertising. But they do what they say in the ad, its just they don't tell you it's pointless because the rest of the dust is call caught in your MAIN ductwork lines which they never clean, unless you fork over the $595.. It's disgusting and unprofessional of course. Some scumbag comes up with this type of scam and just makes what they can off it.

I'd never do it again. Plus, the guys that show up are in their own truck - no company markings. So they probably sub it out and maybe the guys get a cut if they upsell you. If they don't, they get some basic pay rate. But very unprofessional operation. They should just quote the full price up front for a COMPLETE JOB. It'd be like a tire shop advertising just one tire and then telling you that you needed 4 when you thought just replacing 1 was all you needed. That kind of thing.

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Indy Air Care Rating:
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1.8 out of 5, based on 15 ratings and
32 reviews & complaints.
Contact Information:
Indy Air Care
5602 Elmwood Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46203
800-670-0717 (ph)
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