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Ole Carolina Bacon Consumer Reviews - Page 3

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What You See Is NOT What You Get...
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Rating: 1/51

SPRINGFIELD ?, ARIZONA -- I was shocked and appalled when I opened the package of "Ole Carolina Brand Bacon". It was almost ALL fat! It wasn't cut properly so there were no defined strips. The fat that was there was stringy and absolutely disgusting to look at. I was floored! When I was at the grocery store, I looked at the "representative slice", as I always do. It looked meaty so I went ahead and bought it. I've never felt so cheated. What a total misrepresentation of the product. I hope something is done about this because it is so wrong to deceive the consumer.

Ole Carolina Hickory Smoked Sliced Fat
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Rating: 3/51

SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS -- Last week I bought (5) 1 pound packages of Ole Carolina Hickory Smoked Bacon at PriceRite. The representative slices looked fine, plenty of meat with a balance of fat. I opened the first pound, and the representative slice was nothing like the rest of the pound. It was a different size and shape and actually had meat in it. The rest of the pound had a bare sliver of meat less than a quarter of an inch wide at its thickest point, tapering to nothing in about two inches. The rest of the pounds were equally misrepresented, one had No meat, the others were at least 90% fat. In all cases the representative slice appeared to be not more than 50% fat.

I find this to be highly misleading, and deceptive, and urge everyone to realize what the bacon looks like in the package is not going to be what you get. You may as well just buy lard. It appears you can rely on Ole Carolina to be misleading.

Ole Carolina Bacon (TSD Sales & Distribution)
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SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS -- I read a complaint on this site about this product and I disagree 100%. I bought some because it was a full 16 oz; because it was less expensive and looking through the flaps could see how lean it was. I bought two packages, cooked one today and plan on going back to get more for the freezer. I would suggest the buyer look through the tabs on the back to determine how lean or fat it is. I am sure they are not all the same. The flavor was excellent, the way I remember bacon used to be. It is made over in Arkansas where there are a great number of hog farms. I bought mine at Pyramid Grocery and I guarantee you, later today am going for more.

Would Have Gotten Better Bacon If I'd Just Bit The Pig In The Butt
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My husband constantly buys your bacon. I constantly end up cursing the whole time I am cooking it. What lousy piece of product you people are trying to pawn off as bacon. Nothing but plain fat. I have gotten better bacon in the large package marked as bacon ends and pieces that I purchase for seasoning. I have informed my husband that whenever he buys it again it will just be thrown out because I am not wasting any more of my time trying to make bacon out of plain pig fat. I am sure that the higher ups in your company don't even eat this stuff. Why should they? They make the big bucks and can afford to buy decent products from other more reputable companies.

And the way you package it! It seems like there is always a piece or two that actually have a few lean spots on it are tangled up so as to represent the package as being full of decent bacon. You people are a JOKE! No more of my money will go into your pockets. LOUSY! LOUSY! LOUSY!!!!! Enough said.

The Supposed Bacon Was Only Fat, Very Deceiving in the Package
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Rating: 1/51

SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS -- The packaged bacon looked nice a lot of meat, but once you get the packaged open it's all fat. Very disgusting.

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This is the worst quality bacon I have ever had. Very disappointed and will NEVER buy this brand again!

Ole Carolina Bacon Awful, Awful, Awful.
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ELKHART, INDIANA -- That bacon was about 15 oz of fat and 1 oz of meat. I will never subject my family to such crap again. I just wonder if the CEO of that company eats his own product or are we the jokers that pay for his deli thick cut. I wouldn't eat this bacon again if they offered it free.

Fat, Fat And More Fat.
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Rating: 1/51

BUCKLEY, WASHINGTON -- The package looked real meaty in the store. However, when I open the package and separated the slices, there was a high content [90%] of fat and very little pork meat. I don't appreciate paying the price I paid just so I can have an inferior product that looks so good before the package is opened. I believe the company is deceiving the public and I won't purchase any more of Ole Carolina products.

Fat-Irregular Slices, Cooks To Nothing
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Rating: 1/51

SPRINGDALE -- 1 lb. of raw bacon equaled 3 1/2 oz. of cooked bacon. The slices were irregular, some thick, some very thin. In the store it looked good. I always look at the back too. The consumer is being duped by this co. This is an outrage & should not be permitted.

Moldy Bacon
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SPRINGDALE, AR, ARKANSAS -- I was going to make BLT's and went to Aldi's in Waukesha WI. Bought the makings, came home, went to cook bacon and package full of black mold throughout the entire slab of slices. Product code 74700 10003.

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Ole Carolina Bacon Rating:
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1.3 out of 5, based on 25 ratings and
30 reviews & complaints.
Contact Information:
Ole Carolina Bacon
P.O. Box 2020, CP631
Springdale, AR 72765-2020
800-233-6332 (ph)
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