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Bank of America Overdraft Fees Consumer Reviews - Page 4

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Overdraft Protection and Other Scams
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MIAMI, FLORIDA -- I had my Personal (Advantage) checking account, Money Market, Personal Visa, Business Platinum Visa, Business Economy Checking, and two Retirement accounts all linked together. One of the features of the Business checking account is "Overdraft Protection Service with No Transfer Fee", but two months ago I got hit with $280 in overdraft fees for 8 purchases in one day. When I asked why Overdraft Protection didn't cover those, the rep said I hadn't requested it.

"But why would I have to request something that appears in the bulleted list of account features?" "(pause) I'll be happy to set that up for you now." "OK, Can you reverse the fees, since your web was kind of misleading?" "No sir, the fees were properly charged and we are not obligated to refund them" (You may not be obligated by law, but did you ever hear of Customer Service?). And why were the fees $35 each? Because the bank counted EACH ONE as a separate incident, and it put me at the highest penalty tier!

This past month, I transferred funds from my Personal account to the Business account on a Saturday to cover bill payments scheduled for the following week. But the transfer remained in a "pending" state (no one has been able to explain why), so the bill payments all required Overdraft Protection, which seemed to be working, except that there is a $10 transfer fee attached to each transaction. Don't tell me I had to ask for the "no transfer fee" feature.

The bottom line is that BofA are SoB's who cheat, deceive and mislead in order to take as much of your money as they can. If you're not already a victim, er, customer, don't become one. If you are, take your money out of there before they do!

Erroneous Overdraft Fees
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Somebody with authority needs to investigate the way Bank of America chooses to do business, the bank gets away with reversing posted transactions that have cleared. Here is the example, I had 3 transactions that cleared all were under 30.00 on 4/7/10, my balance left was like 2.00 according to online banking. Well on 4/8/10 I get direct deposit, I make a withdrawal at a Bank of America ATM it states what my remaining balance is, everything is fine.

On 4/9/10 I check my balance and Bank of America reversed off all the transactions that had cleared on 4/7/10 and re-posted them along with a new transaction that just so happened to clear on 4/7/10 for 4.00 but was not listed when I checked my account on the 7th and 8th; well bank of America charged me 35.00 x 3 because 3 of those 4 transactions are now overdrafts. I could understand charging 1 overdraft fee but 3x35=105.00 I feel so violated, this left me broke and I do not make a lot of money.

I called their customer service and they refused to refund this back to me minus 1 over draft fee, and they talked to me like I am stupid. If anyone with any authority can address this with them please do so. I wonder if this would constitute a class action lawsuit! In my hearts of hearts I feel that this is abusive and an unfair business practice. I want to see them pay for treating people like this, within the next 30 days I will have nothing to do with Bank of America they are the worst Bank!!!!! They are crooks!! ***DO NOT DUE BUSINESS WITH BANK OF AMERICA***

Bank of America is a scam!
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Bank of America is the biggest scam ever. I made 3 purchases and they were pending and taken from the balance. I had a bigger check come in and there was not enough funds to cover it. Do you know that they paid the big one first and then charged me 35.00 then charged me 35.00 three more times for the debts that were pending earlier and there was money for it.

They ended up charging me 140.00. I asked them why didn't they paid the smaller charges first and then pay the bigger amount? The lady gave me some lame explanation. In other words, instead of paying the smaller debts which there was money for, they rather scam me and pay the bigger one so the smaller ones will bounce too. If you are looking for a bank Bank of America is not the one. They took government money and they want to take your money too.

Grand Theft Bank of America
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CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA -- Bank of America on a crime spree. Not the kind where you get physically mugged. Its the kind where they pick your pocket and when you confront them they smile and say I understand your frustration but it's all done by the computer. I'm talking about how they play with your transactions to fit their corrupt money stealing schemes.

According to their online banking printout transactions I made showed they had been deducted and was confirmed by a reduction of available funds. Things like five dollars here and ten dollars there were well within the available funds on my online statement. I did go over my available funds later on a one hundred dollar debit.

They went back and charged me on every transaction I made as far as six days prior even when their figures showed they were covered. There is something you can do to take charge and that is to get pissed off and say I'm not going to take it anymore. I live in Charlotte NC and I am going to take it all the way to the top. I will not quit until I get justice and as of now the poor Branch Managers are catching all the rage and frustrations. If you feel like I do then send me an email and tell me about your situation.

Extended Overdraft Fee - Legalized Robbery
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I've lost my business due to the recession and have been struggling to make my ends meet, taking on some little projects here and there. I can't find a job, so obviously the money is very tight. A client was late with his payment for my work and two payments went through, hitting me two overdraft fees, which $70.00, I called the bank and asked them not charge them their notorious extended overdraft fees, trying to explain the situation.

The representative was kind of understanding and asked me to call back when the fee had posted. He also told me that he made a note on my account that I called and tried to work this out. So, the extended overdraft fee had been charged pushing the fees total over a $100, which is my weekly groceries budget. I've finally received and deposited the payment and called the BoA again. Sure enough, no amount of begging, reasoning, transfer to the supervisor could have changed reversed overdraft fee on top of the overdraft fee. They've made more than a hundred dollars off of me in overdraft fees alone.

They have raised their monthly fees from $4.99 to $9.99 on the grounds that the account does not have direct deposit and the certain amount is not maintained on it. So, if you are struggling, they would add even more to your struggle, following their policy of "Punish the poor losers". They get the zillion dollars in the bailout money and they turn around and start slapping their poor customers with their creative fees. I will be closing all my accounts with them. They are legalized robbers, aided by the our tax money. The government should really look more closely into their activities!

Intentional Overdraft Fees
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KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI -- Those financially painful overdraft fees charged by Bank of America seem to be so commonplace among hard working Americans, like myself. I've been a customer of this institution for many years and no matter how close or how often I monitor my accounts these fees manage to materialize in one way or another. I admit that like millions of others, I flirt dangerously close to a check-to-check lifestyle. On many occasions I've accepted overdraft fees (sometimes several hundred dollars) and simply blamed it on an oversight on my part. I decided sometime ago that I would track my expenses even closer.

What I found was very disappointing. In several instances I uncovered changes to transactions that could have only been initiated by the bank itself. One evening a debit would clearly show as "posted" or "cleared" and the following morning it would show as "pending". That alone is disturbing, but I've now found that these errors frequently accompany overdraft fees. Another issue I've come across. Example:

Balance = $100.00
Debit - 6.00
Debit - 3.00
Debit - 9.00
Deposit + 500.00
Debit - 95.00
New balance = $487.00
(very simplified of course)

Now with a quick keystroke and "re-arrangement" of the transaction sequence by the bank, your statement looks like this. How many of us remember the exact sequence of events in which we make our transactions? Guess what? It's all legal! I've closed my account with this institution.

Balance = $100.00
Debit - 95.00
Debit - 6.00
Debit - 3.00
Debit - 9.00
Deposit + 500.00
Overdraft 35.00
Overdraft 35.00
Overdraft 35.00
New Balance = $388

Overdraft Fees
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94539, CALIFORNIA -- It's been 30 days and I am still fighting with them over an issue. Issue is: One night between 10pm and 8am, next day, my account was +1500. After 8am next day it was -150. So I deposited +500 before the bank closed for the day. I got receipt as +350 from the teller, and when I checked my account again in night it was +100. Story from BOA: my account was charged with overdraft fees on this day.

I called BOA several times (most of times they hung up on me, I am very patient person) but they never understood my concern. They kept on saying that +1500 never existed in my account (this is ridiculous). I went to my branch and talked to vice president. She was fair enough to advise me to close the account immediately. That's it, I got rid of this BOA scum for ever. Lesson: Once hurt, never repent. Just avoid the source.

Wrongfully charged overdraft fees
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PHOENIX, ARIZONA -- I was a Bank Of America customer for 15 years. I had a checking account and VISA Credit Card with BofA. I had overdraft protection on my VISA. When I opened up a savings account with BofA, they asked me if I wanted to use my savings account for overdraft protection. Of course, I said yes. I had an overdraft on my checking, but wasn't worried because I had overdraft protection on my VISA and my savings account.

Funds were not available to cover the overdraft from my savings, but I had plenty of available credit on my VISA. They still charged me $120 in overdraft fees. When I called, they said I did not have overdraft protection on my VISA. They said when I opened my savings account, that removed overdraft protection with my VISA.

Even though the miscommunication was on the part of BofA, they refused to reverse the charges. I wrote a complaint to the BBB, and closed out all my accounts and switched to US Bank, where I even refinanced my home with. I hope the $120 they stole from me was worth my business.

Couple of Hours of Difference
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Rating: 1/51

MIAMI, FLORIDA -- I paid with a check my water service at the building where I live for $67.92 cents in the morning of April 10, 2013. I made a deposit on April 11th at 2:30 AM through ATM Machine for 80.00. I checked my account on April 12th in AM, and there was a charge of $35.00. I said to myself how this happened and when? The image of the check was missing the time when the check was deposited, so there was no way for me to fight the $35.00. They make so much money to support themselves, taking away the money from people that work everyday. Computers were created to make life easier, but the people like the bankers are using it to ruin the life of people.

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73 reviews & complaints.
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Bank of America
100 North Tryon Street, 18th Floor
Charlotte, NC 28255
888-279-3457 (ph)
704-386-4578 (fax)
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