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Home Depot Kitchen Cabinets Consumer Reviews

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Nightmare Ordering Cabinets
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Rating: 1/51

AMERICAN FORK, UTAH -- Use caution when ordering your kitchen cabinets at Home Depot. It's a NIGHTMARE, and they don't assume any responsibility. But they will take your money upfront. We ordered our cabinets in March 2022 and they said they will be ready in four to six weeks. Lie #1 We called back to verify at the fifth week, sorry it's out 10 weeks Lie #2 we waited patiently and called week eight, now it's 18 weeks. They've just arrived and guess what? ... It's the WRONG cabinets. We go back to Home Depot and this is the lame answer they gave us. "I'm sorry, you have to take it up with the manufacturers, it's not our responsibility. We just order it for you." They take their cut and leave you stranded. Unbelievable!!!!

Said They Could Do Job, Collected Payment, Then Could Not Do Job
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Rating: 1/51

ROSSFORD, OHIO -- I first went to the Home Depot to inquire about replacing my kitchen countertops. The representative there then suggested we look at refacing the cabinets as well. He set up an appointment for me for 4/19/16. The representative came out, said they could do the whole job, countertops included, as that is what started the process. I asked then for a breakdown of cabinets and countertop, but she said she did not have that info, which made no sense to me and I should have pushed it but I did not. After she was done writing up the project, she then stated that in order to receive the discount I had to pay the entire amount upfront.

I was not comfortable with this, and was very hesitant. The representative then stated that they would the check until the measure tech came out and ensured everything was correct. This was supposed to happen in 3 days. On 4/27 the tech came out, and said he had just been informed of this job. 2 minutes into his measurements, he stated that they could not do the countertop, since it needed to be a "custom" job.

I then stated that I did feel comfortable continuing, since it seemed like a bait and switch. He said, "well let me just do the measurements, but rest assured nothing can go forward until you approve it." He even wrote it onto the measure order, saying customer wants to put hold on job and payment until all issues resolved.

3 days later the original sales representative called me and asked what I wanted to do. I told her that I was comfortable with the process, and did not want to go forward, please send back my check. She assured me that the check would not be processed until I approved. She then against asked what they needed to do to keep my business. I said at the very minimum I needed a breakdown of the costs. She said she did not have that, and would call me back.

The next day she called me back, gave me the breakdown, said she had spoken to the countertop guy at the store and that they could do it for an even lower price. I asked if it included everything and she said yes. I then called the gentleman at the store, and asked him specific questions, and lo and behold, there were add-ons. He said if I came in that day, he could work with me. I told him I could not make it that day, he said he was off the next 2 days but if I wanted the discount I had to come in within the next 2 days.

I then called the sales rep, had to leave her a message. I stated that I did not want to forward with Home Depot, as I kept getting lied to. I again asked for my check to be returned. I never heard back from her. I then went to the bank and put a stop payment on the check. That was a Saturday. On Monday morning, 5/2 I checked my account and saw that Home Depot had deposited the check, against my clear requests.

When I then called Home Depot, they said that it should not have gone through, and they would refund my check. When I asked how soon that would occur, they stated 3-4 weeks. I said that was unacceptable, they should not have processed it, and I would not wait that long. I then spoke to a supervisor, he gave the required "we will look into it" answer. I then repeated my concern of waiting 4 weeks for $13,000 in my money. He said they would get back to me quickly. I have not heard back from him yet

Worst Assembly American Woodmark Doors and Not Worth for Money
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Rating: 2/51

SOUTH BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY -- I spent $ 13,500 worth for my kitchen cabinets and I am finally not happy with the money I spent. I would always suggest not to go with any kind of retail stores if you are planning to do the kitchen. I felt the small stores' worth for what we pay. This is the lesson I learnt. Please see the attached pictures you would come to see the gap between the doors. I did a full overlay model. None of the doors were close to each other. The gap increases from top to bottom. Also I ordered a lazy Susan bottom cabinets. They sent me the one with regular draw instead of lazy susan.

There should be a small satisfaction when you spend some money but HD did not satisfy or fulfill my happiness. I have to live with it since they don't refund my money or send me new cabinets. Again if they send me new cabinets I have to spend money for the labor to remove and reinstall the cabinets back. Overall my suggestion based on my experinece please do not go with Home Depot for Kitchen cabinets. Zoom in my picture from top to bottom. You will notice the gap clearly and you will also see one door is higher and other door will be lower by a small difference.

Cabinet And Granite Counter Order Was A Joke
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Rating: 1/51

GALVESTON, TEXAS -- Not sure where to begin but know I will never step foot in a Home Depot at any location. The beginning of May 2015 I went to the local Home Depot to order kitchen cabinets for a remodel. They began by locating someone in the store who can initiate my order. This was an hour wait and should have been a red flag to walk out. I placed the order for my cabinets. The next plan was to have someone come out and take measurements. I paid the 48.00 to schedule the installer. The third party installer came out and was very pleasant to deal with. He told me to wait a week and call the store to speak with the in-store designer.

I called in a few days and asked for the Designer. I was told she was out but could contact me. After a few days I went to the store to meet with the Designer because I hadn't heard back. I was then told she was out on medical leave for 6 weeks. I asked for someone else and was told I would have to wait until she returned… WHAT? I asked to transfer my measurements to another location and I would drive to the location. They said someone would call me. I received a call a few days later from someone with Design Connect in Atlanta telling me they will work with me over the phone and online with my order. This should have been my next Red Flag.

I was told my measurements couldn't be sent to another location but I could go to the location and pay again for another measurement… WHAT? So reluctantly, I agreed to work with this person in Atlanta. After 4 weeks of back and forth with the design being emailed to me, I decided to visit a store and look at the cabinets suggested. I didn't like them and found one I liked and let Design Connect know of the change. She made the changes and sent me yet another drawing. Of course through this entire process I had to wait for a reply each time I emailed a question or wait until she came back to work.

After 7 weeks and finding their prices for my small kitchen was enormously out in left field, I called to cancel the order and went to Lowe's locally to place my order. I worked with an amazing lady there and ordered my cabinets having them installed in 4 weeks. It was a simple 2-hour in-store consultation with Lowe's on the design with her making some good design suggestions. Next, I decided, now it's time to order countertops. Back to Home Depot I went because it's local. I ordered the granite with the Designer who was now back at work from her medical leave. I wasn't told that the process from order to install takes about 10 weeks.

I won't bore you with all the details but my order is cancelled due to measurement appointments not kept and told the granite I selected (3rd party) could possibly have defects and this is why it was on sale. Of course the DESIGNER doesn't tell you all this because they are clueless. In the meantime I ordered custom blinds (the same day I ordered the counter) and have now cancelled my blind and countertop orders.

The Galveston Home Depot is the most unprofessional, rude, incompetent group of individuals I have ever had to deal with. You can't get help in the store and if you do they have no clue how to do their jobs. I've made several complaints with the manager and this was like talking to a wall. It took someone almost 2 hours to cut some temporary shades for me because 3 people had no clue how to operate the cutter. I will never set foot in a Home Depot again even if I have to drive 30 miles to the nearest hardware store. It's not the middle of July and I still don't have a kitchen. I will be visiting Lowe's this week.

Highly Unreliable Service
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Rating: 1/51

NEW YORK, NEW YORK -- Placed order for kitchen cabinets on June 29 2021. Measurements were taken. Cost was close to $9000. Contract and receipt both state that delivery and installation time would be 8-10 weeks tops. It has now been close to 16 weeks with no updates. Department does not respond to phone calls despite leaving multiple voice messages nor do they reply to emails. PLEASE do NOT use their service. They are HIGHLY UNRELIABLE!

Incredibly Horrible Service and Incompetence
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MONROVIA, CALIFORNIA -- In the 1st week in June '03 or so, we went to Home Depot and wanted to know what steps were needed for kitchen remodeling. We were informed that we must schedule for a measurement of kitchen first. Home Depot will call to set up appointment. Waited one week for phone call -- no call was received from Home Depot. I called Home Depot and they were surprise no one had called us back. An appointment was made for measuring, for following Saturday

Our appointment was changed to Sunday (June 15th) by ** (a Home Depot employee that performs field measurements for cabinet installations) for 1:30 p.m. After measurements were done, ** informed us that the next step was to schedule an appointment with a Home Depot Designer. I called Monday (June 16th) and made an appointment for the following Saturday (June 21th) for 12:00 p.m. to meet with one of Home Depot's Designers.

Friday (June 20th) I phoned Home Depot to confirm the next day's appointment, and was informed by ** that the Designer that we were scheduled to meet with was no longer in that department, and all of her appointments had been cancelled. I told ** I had not receive any update, or call from anyone to reschedule, and that we were going to keep the appointment for June 21st, and that Home Depot needed to have someone available to meet with us when we got there.

On June 21st, we met with **, the new Designer, and our cabinets were ordered that day. At least that was what we were told. We were asked to sign (initial) all paper work, and told that the process was started. The following week or so, ** (another cabinet-measuring-person) came out to our house to verify that the paperwork, completed by **, the "Home-Depot-In-House-Cabinet-Designer," was complete, that the measurements were correct, and that the cabinets would fit. We were informed that the measurements (recorded by **, recorded by **, the Home Depot Designer) were NOT correct.

We were told that we must make another appointment with a "Home-Depot-Cabinet-Designer," and reorder the proper sized cabinets (the following language was added on today's date of January 29, 2004.) **stated that he would turn in the correct measurements. I then spoke to ** (Kitchen Concepts) to confirm with her that the new (and, we thought correct) measurements from **, were being faxed over to Home Depot. She replied in the affirmative, and indicated that she understood.

I arrived at Home Depot (few days later) and was informed by ** that they (Home Depot) had not received the new changes. I called ** (from Kitchen Concepts) while I was at the Home Depot store, regarding the fax. ** (another "Kitchen Concepts Employee") informed me ** was in a corporate meeting, and could not be disturbed. I said that it was o.k., but could she (**) needed to fax over the new changes. ** said, they (Kitchen Concepts) had faxed over the changes already, and for Home Depot to check all their incoming faxes and paperwork.

I told ** that Home Depot claimed that they did not receive the fax, and requested ** to please fax the paper-work again. Then ** said, "She did not know to use the fax machine," and finally, after 30 minutes or so, ** said she found my file, and faxed over the changes (all this was witnessed by **). Kraft Maid gave delivery date of August 29th between hours of 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. One August 29th at 8:30 a.m., I phoned "Kraft Maid" to confirm delivery between the hours of 10:00 am and 2:00 p.m., and was told that everything was still on schedule.

I left work at 9:30 am and arrived home at 10:00 a.m. At 12:30 p.m., I received phone call from Kraft Maid to find out that there would be no delivery today due to a train wreck somewhere in the Mid-West. I lost approximately 4 hours without pay. On approximately September 12th (not sure of date), the cabinets finally arrived.

During the inspection of cabinets with (someone's employee, at this point I am losing track), I noticed that not all cabinet looked the same (i.e. Finished Skin on areas of the cabinets when not necessary and to be covered up, (and was being charged huge money for) and MISSING "Finished Skins" where absolutely exposed, and going to be necessary. Additionally, there were 5 pieces that were damaged during shipment, and needed to be replaced prior to installation.

I then called ** the following Monday, and she said she was not able to make the changes until she received the correction(s) from Kraft Maid. She would need get back to me and would talk with me in a few days. After a few days, I had to call Home Depot back again to talk with **, and was told ** was on a day off. I left a message. The next Wednesday, the corrections/updates were made with ** via phone. I asked ** about the skins and she said, "Whoever finalized the order messed it up." I told ** it was she who finalized our order.

On Thursday, ** called and said that "Home Depot would carry the cost to make the necessary corrections." (I continue to believe we were overcharged for the unnecessary skins). During the next two to three weeks (or so), 3 pieces were delivered via FedX, and other delivery mechanisms. At this point, I am still waiting for 2 necessary pieces to complete my order, as replacement for the damaged materials via transport to my project.

Monday, October 13th, I received a message from a “**” indicating via voicemail to "Please call ** or ** a call regarding the items that were not used in the construction of my ‘job'”. Mind you, not ONE cabinet, or piece of material had made it from my garage to my kitchen, at that point. On Tuesday, October 14th, I spoke with **, and told him I was very confused about his message. I told ** that I was still waiting for two more cabinets (to complete my order) and the job HAD NOT EVEN STARTED. He said he would find out what happened.

On Wednesday, ** said the remaining 2 units would be in on Friday, and that he personally will make sure that they are not damaged, and that delivery would be scheduled for Sunday (October 19th). I received the last 2 units on October 19th, delivered by **, the original employee that did the field measuring. ** recognized me and my house and said “Didn't I (**) do the measurement on this house a long time ago?” I said, yes, but it was a very long story as to how-come we had not been provided competent service by anyone at, and to that point of time.

October 20th, I called ** to request an installation date. She said the earliest available date was November 10th (Monday), 2003. With all the delays, we missed the special of a free microwave (valued $200.00) by one day, because of Home Depot personnel. We purchased cabinets on July 10th, Home Depot was unwilling (saying “UNABLE”) to make an earlier appointment. Free microwave offer ran between May 1st through July 9th. Home Depot has COMPLETELY miss-managed this project from start to date.

Given the circumstances, I would not recommend Home Depot to anyone, unless they needed to waist more than 5 months of their time, not to mention the dollars missed by poor coordination, miss-management and the likes. 11-10-03 Monday: Installation of cabinets: The Installers noticed that the 84 inch valence (that was ordered by **, Home Depot designer) was too long for the area above the kitchen sink.

They were unable to trim valence due to the decorator ends (architectural elements). The area measures 73" in length (from cabinet to cabinet on original blue print). Also two lower cabinets (Base 21L) opened in the same direction (hinges on the left). And the two upper cabinets (W2136R & W2436R) also opened in the same direction (BUT, hinges on the right).

The Installers were unable to turn the door front (s) upside down due to design on door front on the upper cabinets. I then spoke with **and asked her why there was a 21" cabinet ordered when a 24" cabinet would fit, and in any terms, should have been obvious, and ordered. She said she did not know. **, the Home Depot Designer ordered it. Mind you, the 21 inch cabinet is adjacent to a 24 inch cabinet. There was plenty of room for the 24 inch and showed as an error between the Home Depot Designer and the cabinet measurement people.

The 21 inch cabinet stayed, temporarily in place, in preparation for the correct, 24 inch cabinet arriving.
** took the 84" valence, tall end panel (1/2R.96) and door to 21x36R back to Home Depot.

11-11-03 Tuesday: Spoke to ** and he said he was going to order a more appropriate length valence.

11-13-03 Wednesday: Spoke to **, since we needed to order a new cabinet (hinge on the left) why shouldn't it be the correct 24x36L.

12-5-03 Friday: Received valence via Fed X left at front door with no notification. Mind you, we have not checked it for damage yet as of today's date 29-Jan-04.

1-25-04 Monday: I Called ** to inquire about the status of the 24x36L cabinet. ** said they just received it. I asked about delivery status. ** said that she would need to get back to me.

1-29-04: Thursday I called ** at 2:00 pm to find out when the delivery date was to be. ** said that she left messages on my home phone and cell home stating Kitchen Concepts will contact us.

1-29-04 Thursday: Received message from Kitchen Concepts on home machine to please call **. Too late to return call as after work. Will call K/C on 01-30-04. Also received message from ** on home machine.

1-30-04 Friday: Spoke to ** (Kitchen Concepts) set up delivery date of 2-12-04, 8:00-10:00.

1-31-04 Saturday: ** delivered 24" w x 36" L cabinet. Inquired about door front to this cabinet? ** had to make a second trip for door front. Delivered front door on second trip.

2-2-04 Monday: Called Kitchen Concepts and spoke with ** to set up appointment to complete installation of cabinets. Installation to be done on 2-12-04.

2-9-04 Monday: Confirmed with ** (Kitchen Concepts) that 2-12-04 appointments is still on.

2-12-04 Thursday, 9:30 am: Installer arrived and stated he only had orders to remove 21x36L and install 24x36L and valence. Installer states I would have to speak to Kitchen Concepts regarding the rest of the job. I called ** (Kitchen Concepts) and stated to her that this appointment is to complete the installation. ** stated she only had orders to do the above and nothing else. She also stated I had to call Home Depot and have them fax over to her (**) the additional work.

2-12-04 Thursday, 10:00 am: I called Home Depot and was informed that ** will not be in until 3:00 pm. I then requested to speak to **, but was told she was unable too. I left a message for ** to call and stated this was very important, that the installer and I were waiting for further authorization.

2-12-02 Thursday, 10:45 am Installer left after only removing 21x36L and installing 24x36L. No valence installed. WHY? Installer made a list of what needs to be done to complete the job and he Said, "I will turn this list in to Kitchen Concepts".

2-12-04 Thursday, 3:45 pm: Spoke to ** and explained today's events. Also, informed ** that ** that not returned my phone call today.

2-13-04, Friday, 10:30 am: Call ** and she said, "** and I will be there with installers to make sure the job will be completed. She will leave a message on my home machine with date of next installation.

2-23-04 Monday, 11:30 am: Call ** and inquired about installation date. She stated, “She is having a meeting on Wednesday (2-25-04) and will leave a message on my home machine.


3-1-04 Monday: Received message from ** (Kitchen Concepts) on home machine to call and make appointment for completion of job. Too late to return call as after work.

3-2-04 Tuesday: Spoke with ** (Kitchen Concepts) and made an appointment for 3-10-04 between 9:00 and 10:00 am. ** wanted to know what else needed to be done. I stated "crown molding, light rails, valence and shelf, skin on cabinet above refrigerator, fastening down toe kicks, etc." Basically "completion of the job". I am the consumer and am not sure of everything that needs to be done, that is why I hired professionals.

3-8-04 Monday, 11:30am: Spoke with ** and confirmed 3-10-04 date.

3-10-04 Wednesday, 9:00 am: Installers (** and **) arrived. They said They were waiting for someone from Home Depot before they could start the job. Call Home Depot around 9:30 and spoke to **. I told ** we were waiting for her. She said, She is sending ** (the designer). As I was speaking to **, ** arrives.

3-10-04 Wednesday, 9:30 to 9:45 am: ** explains to ** what needs to be done. ** calls ** (Kitchen Concepts) to confirm work order. I overheard ** telling ** that the skin must be installed. At this point everyone is in agreement. Work begins and ** leaves.

3-10-04 Wednesday, 12:30pm: I informed installers I was leaving for work and that they should check with my neighbor when they were done to lock the house. I left installers with my and **'s phone numbers in case of emergency.

3-10-04 Wednesday, 7:00 pm: I returned home from work and found the kitchen was not completed. Approximately four and one half feet of crown molding installed out of over 30 feet; around 15 feet of backing for crown molding was installed in preparation for crown molding; the valance and shelf was installed, skin installed; however our cabinet doors that were installed were removed and not reinstalled; none of our hardware was installed; toe kick is still loose; none of the trim under the upper cabinets had been installed, which means that the two installers installed approximately 10 percent of the remaining items left to install.

I called my neighbor who was kind enough to lock our home up after the installers left, and she said, "The installers left around 3:00 pm and did not say why the job was not completed nor when they would return.” It appears that the installers were not as qualified as they should have been, as most of the joints of the crown molding were not made correctly. A fair amount of light can be seen through the joints.

Now, it appears that we need to take photos. Additionally, there appears to be lots of wood left in very small pieces as cut-offs, and it looks like they were the result of more than just of few mistakes in installing the Crown Molding. We expect next for Home Depot to say that they were told that there was not enough molding to complete our project that is if we ever get to that point.

3-11-04 Thursday, 11:00 am: Called ** (Home Depot), she said "**, what's up?" I said, "**, you tell me." ** did not understand my comment, so I explained to her that the job was NOT completed again and I wanted to know why. She said, she did not know why and will find out. She also said “I may have to get ** (regional manager) involved.”

3-11-04 Thursday, 2:30 pm: Received message from ** on home machine requesting I call her tomorrow morning to resolve this situation. ** wants to know what exactly still needs to be done? She needs to write up a new p.o. Too late to return phone call as after work. Again, I am hesitate to describe all work that needs to be done because I am the consumer and am afraid I might leave something out. Stay tuned.

3-12-04 Friday, 8:00 am: Call ** and she requested I faxed over to Home Depot a list of items that still needs to be completed.

3-12-04 Friday, 8:30 am: Faxed over a list of items I think needs to be completed. Install crown molding, filler for crown molding, scribe, fasten toe kicks, light rails and hardware (pulls and knobs).

3-15-04 Monday, 3:00 pm: Received message on home machine from **. She is requesting to inspect the kitchen with ** tomorrow in the afternoon. Too late to return phone call due to after hours.

3-15-04 Monday, 3:05 pm: Received message on home machine from ** (Kitchen Concepts) to set up next installation appointment. Too late to return phone call due to after hours.

3-16-04 Tuesday, 6:30 am: Call ** and set up time for her and ** to inspect kitchen today. Informed **, my neighbor would let her and ** in the house. Also informed ** that ** (Kitchen Concepts) left me a message yesterday requesting I call her to set up next installation appointment. ** told me to wait until she and ** inspected the kitchen

3-16-04 Tuesday: Received message from ** on home machine stating “installers would be here tomorrow between 9:00 & 9:30 am tomorrow morning to complete the job.”

3-16-04 Tuesday, am: I called ** (Kitchen Concepts) to cancel tomorrow's appointment, stating, “I'm not available tomorrow.”

3-16-04 Tuesday, 6:00 pm: I returned home from work and I noticed **'s had left her Home Depot business card on the front door stating, "No one was home next door” and I should call **'s tomorrow morning on his cell phone. I checked with my neighbor regarding visit from Home Depot today. She states, “No one ever showed up.”


We are sure that some of the above dates listed are erroneous, as we were not specifically tracking each phase of the issues listed above, HOWEVER, in general terms, the overall picture of incompetence is accurate, and not been embellished, in any fashion, whatsoever.

Biggest Mistake in My Adult Life
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Rating: 1/51

MOORE, OKLAHOMA -- Salespeople came out and made their spiel, which was very professional, and answered all questions with the answers I needed to hear but I asked the question, "Will they look real and not cheaply made?" Their answer, "ABSOLUTELY." Well let me tell you that is the biggest of misconceptions, they are cheap looking, they have no trim, so all you see are these ragged edges of raw particle board. I was promised they clean up beautifully, NOT. All I see now are fingerprint smears, grease splatter, none of these come off.

Next I had some places come loose, $12,000.00 and they fix with hot glue and Staples. I was so embarrassed to even say I spent that much, especially since I could have had a brand new kitchen with REAL wood cabinets, the only reason I went with refacing, is I just had new countertops put in (hindsight 20/20).

So, if this is something you are considering, please do all your research first, perhaps another company might have better quality (wouldn't take much) than Home Depot. Was looking forward to beautiful looking cabinets now I am embarrassed at how my kitchen looks, especially for the money I invested. Cheap, cheap, cheap looking but VERY expensive. DO NOT USE HOME DEPOT for your cabinet refacing.

Home Depot Makes You Suck Up Their Mistakes...and Pay for Them, Too
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I'm here to warn you to never purchase large ticket items or services through Home Depot. We spent weeks with the kitchen designer planning our kitchen from pretty much a blank canvas. In good faith, we installed plumbing, flooring, lighting, and gas lines based on the agreed-upon plans. The window, oven vent, light switch, and alarm pad were the only things installed when Home Depot sent their experts to measure the room, for which we were charged $125. From there the story gets ugly. Not only did HD's experts come to measure once, they came a second time. When the cabinets arrived and were installed, these are a few of the things that happened:

  1. One entire wall of cabinets was mis-measured.
  2. Upper cabinets did not fit where the oven vent was to be placed; we had to pay to have the vent moved.
  3. The last cabinet covered the light switch and alarm pad that were in place when the room was measured; we had to pay to have the light switch & alarm pad moved.
  4. The island was not planned correctly to seat two people and changes had to be made to the plan that extended the island far beyond where we wanted it to be (it's now into the family room); we had to suck that up, too.

Now let's talk about the quality and manufacturing process of the cabinets. At least 3 cabinet doors came with scratches, similar to someone who had scraped them with sandpaper. At least 4 had gouges, similar to someone using a utility knife to open a box. Over 30 doors has rails and stiles on the fronts that did not meet (we have since discovered from talking to other furniture makers, that this is due to an error in the manufacturing process). These are only a few of the problems we had with either measurements taken by HD or the quality of the cabinets received.

We tried to work with the local HD, who sent one batch of doors back, only to get back replacement doors with similar problems. Then they got defensive and claimed we were the problem and that we wouldn't be happy with anything. These were very obvious problems that people who visited our home would point out to us.

We then sought assistance with HD's Customer Care Center in Georgia. They offered us $3,000 to keep what we had (we have since found many other complaints where this appears to be HD's standard amount to make you go away). This didn't even begin to cover the costs we had incurred in preparing the room to meet their design specs, much less to fix their errors, so we asked them to re-think this and identified the amount that was closer to what we were out. We didn't think we had to eat up every cost.

We thought it only fair that we be reimbursed for the costs we were out as well as compensation for the lower quality of cabinets we had received because HD wasn't willing to honor their warranty by providing good quality cabinets to us.

We spoke with a lawyer who suggested we write to them and see if we could get them to talk to us and negotiate for the amount that was closer to what we were out; he also said he expected we'd be back because HD was a company that was too cocky in thinking they could railroad people. He advised us to also get written statements from independent furniture makers regarding the craftsmanship/manufacturing of the pieces we had received (we've gotten 3 so far) He also advised us to get estimates from furniture makers for what it would cost us to “make the cabinet doors right”, which we have.

Well, he was right. HD in Georgia never bothered to even respond to our settlement request; they just stopped talking to us. Well, the sad part is that in this economy, a company that isn't even willing to talk to or to treat their customers with respect isn't going to make it. They probably don't think we'll take them to court, but they've misjudged us. We've been without a functional kitchen for nearly a year. We have an autistic child who has been very disrupted by all the upheaval and nothing being finished. We can't afford to eat out because of the additional costs we had incurred because of Home Depot.

We're facing an $18K bill due in several months and an unfinished kitchen because HD won't talk with us. We had tried to be "fair" and not identify all the costs to them, thinking that we could take some of the hit, but after their treatment (especially the local HD manager), no way. We have had to spend untold hours and hours of time outside of work in order to take care of this. We had been loyal customers for over 25 years; not anymore. What a shame; this would have been such a simple thing to work through and they could have left with a somewhat happy customer; they just didn't think very much of their customer…

Please Read Before You Order Cabinets From HD
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AUGUSTA, GEORGIA -- The house that I purchased approximately 18 months ago was built in the 1920s and in need of a great deal of repair/remodel due to neglect. One of the main remodels has been the kitchen. All of the original cabinetry was removed prior to when I officially moved in due to irreparable damages. Since then, I've been in the process of purchasing $4,000+ in custom-made kitchen cabinets from Home Depot (store # 0119). Since I am not a skilled contractor and have no experience in kitchen remodels, I went to the Home Depot and asked for their assistance.

I informed them that I would be purchasing the kitchen cabinetry over a period of time as I only have a limited income to work with. I also knew that my kitchen is rather small and would require specially ordered cabinets to accommodate the layout. The associate on-hand informed me that I would need to have one of their employees measure the dimensions of the kitchen for a fee of $60 (which would be credited towards the purchase of my cabinetry) in order for them to place the custom order. I was clear of the fact that I would be having someone else other than Home Depot performing the installation.

This is clearly shown in all quotes I've obtained for cabinet designs/layout over the duration of this transaction. When this entire ordeal began, the Home Depot staff conducted their first on-site measurements and designed a kitchen plan based on those measurements back in August 2006. However, I noticed they did not have my windows in the correct location on the design layout. Because of this, they had to come out a second time in order to re-evaluate their initial measurements, which were incorrect. I can verify these events as I had a witness at the time both measurements were taken.

The transaction was completed yesterday, on 2/27/08, when I picked up the last of my cabinetry. Today, on 2/28/08, when my contractor arrived to install them, he noticed none of the cabinets came close to fitting in my kitchen properly. The drawers on the end cabinets cannot open because it conflicts with the stove (the stove is in the same exact location as it had been in the initial layout of the kitchen which can also been clearly seen in the layout given to me by the Home Depot). The cabinets stretch out past the door frame and there is no room for a countertop to adequately fit without blocking part of the back door.

My contractor measured the kitchen and compared it to the measurements they had on file and none of them matched. Of course, their measurements are what the cabinet purchases were based upon. I've contacted the Home Depot (both locally and corporate headquarters) and they are insisting that none of their measurements are guaranteed unless Home Depot performs the installation and that I am stuck with the cabinets that they have purchased for me. No one is even willing to adjust the cabinets in order to fit my kitchen.

The assistant manager I spoke with on 2/28/08 was both rude and unhelpful. He was not at all concerned with my dilemma and since the store manager is apparently out of town, corporate insists their hands are tied, as well. No one informed me of the non-guarantee less installation. There is no paperwork that I signed which state this. In fact, I have my receipt for the $60 measurement fee I was charged and there is no disclaimer stating this anywhere to be found. I would have never paid $60 for someone to measure my kitchen for cabinets if there were no guarantees on the accuracy of their measurements.

I would've been more than happy to have my contractor take the measurements (for free), but the store employee insisted I pay for the measurements in order to purchase the proper cabinets for my kitchen. However, now none of them fit because the measurements were incorrect and I feel the Home Depot is responsible and should work to remedy the situation.

Is convenience of HomeDepot or Expo worth a future trouble?
By -

PARAMUS, NEW JERSEY -- I have purchased omega kitchen cabinets from home Expo, Paramus, NJ, worth of 11,500$, spent most of my savings hoping to enjoy the beautiful cabinetry. Cabinets arrived 90% damaged. Home Expo gave me a very hard time to replace damaged cabinets. My pantry that arrived damaged never got repaired and still at the store, same situation with 27 inch cabinet. After 2 months (!!!) the replacements arrived! (pls. note, not all of them), but damaged again!

At this point I ask for a total refund, after a long wait, district manager refused to give the money back. Then I tried to get new replacements, but now the company saying that "no one could guarantee me any time frame". Meaning replacements could take another 2 months or even longer.

Today July 8,2005 I had a meeting with two assistant managers Steve and Orrin they were agreed to pick up damaged cabinets, but immediately started telling me that they will send a person who will be will determining what have to be replaced what not. In real life it means if this person decided that cabinet look "OK" even do for a normal person it will look damaged and could not be used, this cabinets will not get replaced. At this point I'm very frustrated and upset, but I know that it is exactly home Expo's goal to make give up. Only now I have realized that as soon as this company got my money I was out of the picture.

I don't exist for them as a customer any more. And believe you me no one is trying to resolve this issue in a reasonable time manner. Store manager ** I was dealing with got fired not long ago. Till this day store have no manager: Everything is a mess. Two assistant managers have no knowledge of what is going on themselves and more than that no authority to make any decision.

In a mean time a recent interview with CEO of home Expo Mr. Bob Nardelli clearly showing how proud he is of the company, braving himself of becoming rich every day. Yes it is no doubt that he is becoming rich. Does he know what is really happening in his stores? Answer is "yes" he do, but the truth is he does not care, his goal is to get people to his store to spend savings of our life's and if any problem occurred you are in your own. You could ask "wait a second, but isn't that true that his company have a big customer resolution center in Atlanta with the customer service support and legal department?" Yes it is true. I have contacted them all.

Outcome is zero. Customer service is listening to my problem apologizing for inconvenience, promising to get back with the result in a day or two. But no one really do. Legal department: I have written a letter, but no one got back to me either. And never will. Is it obvious that bob nardelli created those departments not to help customers, but to protect himself from them? Remember the ad on a TV "we can do it, we can help!" with a nice smiley clean looking guy at the Home Depot store? Now when I see it I would like to rephrase it: "yes, we can spend your money, but after that we cannot help!"

I would like to warn a people, pls. think before you spent your money with this store. Is convenience of Home Depot or Expo worth a future trouble? Would you like to step in into my shoes and say "goodbye" to 11,500$?

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